Friday, March 16, 2012

Celebrating Pinup Mamas: Kitty Mansfield

So without further adeiu, I would like to introduce my final Pinup Mama in this week's spotlight. Her name is Kitty Mansfield! Not only is she a dedicated step-mama to two beautiful little boys but she is the founder of Pinups Against Cancer. She is passionate and dedicated both to her family and her cause.

I cannot help but admire a woman who juggles so much and yet still has time to do for others. Bravo Kitty! You're an amazing Pinup Mama!!!

What attracted you to the world of pinup?
I have always been inspired by pinup are from Elvgren to the Silke comics. Pinup girls just have an aire of happiness about them.

Why did you choose to be a (philanthropic) pinup?
I feel it is more important to use your attributes to help people than to just make great pictures. If you're already doing that anyways, why not help people and have fun at the same time? I actually went to a photoshoot that was to help raise money for a local foodbank. I thought it was such a great idea and I was so excited to be a part of it. When I got to the shoot, it ended up being a promotional stunt for some guys company and no money was raised. I did have fun for the most part but I was a little disappointed. That's when I decided to start my own group, Pinups Against Cancer. I wanted to use my pinup powers to help raise money for local people who were struggling and dealing with cancer. It is something that I am very passionate about and I think there needs to be more groups like this everywhere.

Who are your inspirations (pinup world)?
Bettie Page, Jayne Mansfield, Marilyn Monroe, and all of The Pinup Angels!

How do you manage balancing the world of motherhood and the world of pinup?
I am blessed with two twin boys that were concieved before I was around. I got the benefit of being a part of two wonderful lives without having to go through the actual pregnancy. We get them every weekend and I try to be there as much as possible. Some times I have to attend events on the weekends but I like to keep it minimal since that is the only time I get with them. We do go to a lot of car shows as a family in the summertime and the pinup thing doesn't seem to phase them. I dont plan on having any children of my own so I treat them as if they were mine. I love to spoil them and see them happy.
What do you want to gain by being a pinup? (do you want to inspire, help others, self esteem..etc)
I have gained self confidence, lifetime friendships and ongoing learning experiences. I would like to inspire women to love themselves as WOMEN and accept thier bodies. We are truly the only ones that can make ourselves happy so why not be happy and have fun doing it?! I guess I'd like to keep it at that and make sure I continue to always give more than I gain.

What ways have you changed because of it?
I have become a more open and accepting person not only with others but also with myself. I have learned that sometimes it's better to be seen and not heard and that your actions will always speak louder than any words ever could.

Being a mother is filled with daily sacrifices (as well as joys), in what ways have you sacrificed in order to become a pinup?
In starting up Pinups Against Cancer I had to sacrifice a lot of my weekend family time to make sure I went to every event, monitored every little thing, dealt with meetings, paperwork, and sometimes drama. It really drained me, but it also taught me that I need to let go a little and trust in others so that I could continue to be a part of my family.

When it comes to sexy pin up modeling, how does your husband/partner react?
My husband is the person responsible for my pinup modeling. He always saw the beauty in me that I have only recently come to see. He has been nothing but supportive of me from the begining. I guess that's why I made a vow to spend the rest of my life with him.

What advice do you have for other aspiring Pinup Mamas?
Have fun with it. Use pinup as a tool to see the beauty in yourself. And NEVER EVER take yourself too seriously.

Thank you so much Kitty for being a part of this special series of Pinup Mamas. Keep doing what you do-you are an amazing woman!!



  1. Great interview! New to your blog and loving it, following! XxxX

  2. Perfect choice spotlighting and incredible woman! She is pure angel through and through!

  3. Thank you so much! She is an incredible pinup mama!! xox


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