Monday, April 1, 2013

My Vintage Wardrobe: Easter 1950's Style

Happy belated Easter and Happy Spring! Finally, spring weather is on its way! I hope it stays and lingers here in the big apple for a while because the summers here are just horrendous. Gah! So, how did most of you spend your Eastertime? How is the weather in your part of the world?

Yesterday the Easter bunny (aka me) was feverishly working on getting the house in order which is tough to do because it is in a state of what I call "paint prepping" and setting up to surprise the little ones with their Easter goodies. All this while dressed up for the first time for Easter. Ahhhh it an't easy being a bunny during Eastertime hehe

They went bonkers over their goodies and we did our 3rd annual Easter egg hunt-so much fun! I matched the boys with navy blue polo shirts with jeans and my girl wore a blue gingham dress with a white cardigan. So naturally mama had to find a dress to match with them! And I did just that! I scored this beauty on Etsy. It is a 1950's housewife dress, nothing too fancy because I knew I would be home for all the Easter festivities. It has a zipper in the front and a side pocket which I LOVE! It also comes with a matching belt which I also love. I now look for dresses with belts, saves me the time to search for belts online, which is not always an easy task.

I accessorized with a white beaded necklace, white beaded bracelet, white screw back earrings, and a brooch with three small dogs on it. You may have seen it being sold on Etsy and Ebay-it is worth it-love it to bits! And I adore brooches that have meaning to me-anything with three things on it (ie three dogs, three hearts, etc) to me represents my three children.

Now the hair. Um, okay it looks like a mess but I promise it looked a lot better when I was inside the house without the wind tossing it around. I made a mistake and set my hair with many (I use something similar to pillow rollers) rollers which then created a head of curls. Geesh, my hair can really curl. Good grief. It's so weird because when I was little my hair was pin straight! Anyhoo-I brushed it out and shaped it and worked on it for over 30 minutes! That's just too much for me. I need a proper haircut that will allow me to work on a hairstyle for less that that. And in the midst of doing my hair and makeup I am fending off a two year old from opening the bathroom door and grabbing all my supplies and a five year old who suddenly needs to potty when mama is in there. It was madness but I like my overall look. Just my hair that came out super curly and was not easily tamed not even with products. Lesson learned: set hair in larger segments not smaller ones!!!!
 What do you think? Did I pull off a 1950's housewife look? I know its not a traditional Easter outfit since I have no gloves or bonnet on but it is a start! Most of my family was happily supportive but others looked at me like I was a nutcase. My beloved friend and neighbor Mary and her daughter did as well, which was a disappointment to me but oh well. I think people expect me to be a mess and in jeans and yoga pants all day long. Or better still dress like the 2013 woman which is a hot mess right there. No thank you.

I love my jeans and yoga pants but when I dress up I much rather prefer to do it vintage style. I feel pretty and put together and oh how did women back then host gatherings with all the garments one wears underneath their dresses. Kudos to them and to me darnit! I pulled off a vintage look and Easter and YES-I am sooooooooooooo beat! I am just happy the babies were happy with their goodies and I shall leave you with a little glimpse of them tearing into their baskets!!!


  1. Darling you looked fabulous!!! I love that dress!!! I agree with you - vintage dresses that button or zip up the front are great, so easy to get into and out of. Makes you feel like you have hardly gone to any effort but you still look like a million dollars! And poo to those people that thought you had a screw loose - don't give them the time of day, just be your fabulous self!

  2. Beautiful!! And your pin is super cute as well. I think you look great!

  3. I think you look marvelous! I get the same looks from people, mostly my family. They think I am insane for preferring vintage over todays fashion and I have one son that tells me that I look old when I wear it. He likes my hair straight, which I did recently, and he told me that I looked so much younger with it that way. Such a confidence booster, that child. ;-) But, I dont let it deter me. I am happier in vintage and retro styled clothing.

    Your babies look darling in their Easter outfits! Hope you had a great day!

  4. I love your outfit Bunny. The color scheme totally suits you! I think it's sad when we dress up even a little bit we get looks of suspicion. But, you know what, those positive comments outweigh all of this:) Isn't it the best when your children notice and tell you how pretty you look. This complement exceeds all others:) It looks like you had such a fabulous day. How fun will you family around:)

  5. That is a great dress, and the doggie pin is adorable. I struggle with the attention that dressing vintage attracts, but I've resolved to wear my collection more and let the chips fall where they may. Besides, if someone says something rude, that says everything about them and nothing about me.

  6. You look stunning! x

  7. You look sensational, Bunny!! I adore anything polka-dots!

  8. Hi Bunny!
    You look great! Why look like everyone else? Your style makes you unique and stand out with a passion for vintage. The outfit is beautiful with the accessories. You look classic!

  9. Yes, you definitely pulled off the 50's housewife look. I love the dress and accessories and I think your hair looks great! Sometimes I feel like others think I'm a little crazy when I'm wearing vintage, or worse, they think I'm much older than I really am. Then I remind myself that I wear it because I want to and it makes me feel good.


  10. You look fantastically 50's! I think it's ridiculous that anyone could think otherwise or think that you were overdoing it by dressing that way. Just because they want to be more casual offers no reason why you shouldn't dress up and be marvelously vintage looking!

  11. I think you look lovely- and I would have been proud to call you my friend and be seen with you ;)
    As to hair- well my Easter hair did the same thing. It kind of got really bouncy- and then fell out really quickly LOL
    I am glad your Easter was so fun though! Ours was rained out :o

    1. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thank you! You are so darling! Muah! xox

  12. You look great! Love your outfit!

  13. Oh my dears-thank you so much! You always make me feel fabulous! I loved dressing up and now I get why women back then loved it too. Who doesn't want to feel extra pretty and feminine all day long! hehe Thank you all again! xox

  14. You thoroughly rocked this 1950s hostess/homemaker look, dear Bunny. There are few things on this planet more classic or becoming to any woman than a well tailored navy blue and white polka dot dress.

    Joyful start of April wishes!
    ♥ Jessica

  15. Love that brooch! I think you look fabulous - very classic :)


  16. You looked lovely Bunny!! Love the pretty navy polkadot dress! Hope you are having a brilliant week so far!
    May x
    *Walking In May is currently running a SIGNED copy of Belinda Hay’s lovely book ‘Style Me Vintage’, please drop by to enter if you have time!*

  17. lovely dress. i can't get enough of fun dots and spots.

  18. I agree with everyone else - lovely dress. It definitely suits you <3


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