Monday, April 29, 2013

I'm a Queen of Vintage!!!

OMG! If anyone needed a pick me up after the surgery, it was me! Everything went well as can be,  but just super tired and sore. I suppose that is normal especially with running around after kids too hehe 

Today, Lena from Queens of Vintage published an interview I did with her recently and I am so honored that she chose to crown me a Queen of Vintage. I sure have come a long way on this vintage journey! There have been many bumps in the road but this is why it pays to stick by your dreams/goals, to work hard, and to never give up. 

This truly is a crowning moment for me. I want to thank all those who have stood by my side. You will always have a special place in my heart for supporting me and believing in me. My husband, who doesn't always understand my passion for vintage but always fully supports me in my madness for all things old and dusty. My children, who inspire me daily and remind me that being a mother is the biggest joy in my life. My father, for all the times he has babysat so I could go out and do some vintagey things. He defiantly doesn't understand what I do but he knows it makes me happy and that a happy mommy makes for happy grandchildren (his not mine lol). My dearest and closest friends who know my daily struggles and triumphs; Brittany and Nick. To my Swing Sister who brought joy in my life in a vintage way that only another vintage aficionado could. In a time when I needed it most, she was there. She reminded me that there is indeed great beauty in people and great compassion.

Lastly, to my beautiful vintage sisters and readers. Connecting with all of you has brought a happiness into my life that cannot be matched. To be able to connect and share a passion that runs deeply in your heart with others is both a gift and a blessing. Thank you.



  1. This is so cool, off to check out your interview!!

  2. Congrats Bunny! You deserve it :)


  3. I read the interview and the pictures are great. Congrats, Bunny!


  4. That's fantastic news. Well done x

  5. Bunny, I really cannot begin to express how over-the-moon joyful I am for you! When I saw QoV's post arrive in my inbox today (I follow them by email), I audibly squealed with happiness (which drew a very quizzical look from Annie in the process) and could just imagine how elated you must be, too. You're an incredible, inspiring, talented, stylish woman and you so deserve to be in QoV's spotlight.

    ♥ Jessica

  6. Congratulations! It's so nice to see you on QoV's website. I'm thrilled for you. You deserve it Ms. Queen of Vintage:) Very lovely article!

  7. <3 :D glad you're feeling ok. off to check out your well-deserved space in the spotlight :D

  8. Congratulations! Very well deserved :)

  9. Well done chick! Totally well deserved… off to read the interview now… three cheers for vintage queen 115! Hip hip hooray,,, hip hip..
    Tupps x

  10. How exciting for you! I'm tickled pink that you have received this honor. I'm off to go check out the interview. Congrats!

  11. Oh I adore you ladies-thank you for all the sweet comments! Hehe I still cannot believe it. I'm so happy to get to share something like this with you all-thank you again!!! Muah!

  12. What a great interview, Bunny! Congratulations!


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