Saturday, April 13, 2013

Being Vintagey in Missouri: Day Three

Happy Weekend to you all! Today I would like to with you all my third day of my trip to visit Brittany from Va-Voom Vintage. It was the weekend were we did the most shopping and found the most amazing things. We hit a local antique store Friday night and three amazing thrift stores on Saturday (day three of the trip). Some things I didn't buy but I took photos of them because they were so neat.

I saw these two wall hangings of Laurel and Hardy and I adore them. I immediately texted my husband and asked him "yeah or nay". I wasn't surprised when he said "nay". That was a good call on his part because although I am hoping to incorporate some vintage into my home after we repaint (starting this month!!) and redecorate, I just couldn't figure out where I would have put these two knuckleheads! Did I mention they were only $14.99 each! I know...I know...sooo tempting!
We went to the three thrift stores with Brittany's then very pregnant and beautiful sister named Chelsea. She was such a sport to shop with us. Can you believe her little princess came just a few days later?!! She's so beautiful like her mama and auntie (Brittany). Okay so enough gushing on cute babies hehe Look at what I scored at the thrift stores!!! I found a load of scarves-I have learned that the more accessories you have the more you have to work with. You don't necessarily have to have a zillion dresses but having lots of accessories to go with any possible outfit or to make an old look brand new-the key is accessories. The scarves were anywhere from .99-2.99.

I also scored a 1967 copy of The Outsiders. It is one of my favorite books and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this treasure. They were selling books for 5 for .99, I only purchased one, so imagine how inexpensive this beauty was. And the best bit of all-well its a first edition copy!! Yes, you read right!!! Swoon!!!
I have been eyeing melamine plates for the longest time and I found these beauties for $1.49 a piece and they were also 30% off! Gahhh! And my biggest kitchen find was this vintage ice crusher. Brittany has one as well and adores her so she highly recommended it to me. Cool thing was, I purchased it for just $3.00 and in an Estate Sale we went to, Brittany found the same one for $24.00!! So it does pay to shop around whether you are shopping online, in retails shops, thrift stores, or yard sales. Always keep your eye on finding a good deal!
I also scored a few tops and skirts for regular everyday wear for myself. The prices ranged from $1.99 to 5.99 the most. I LOVE thrift stores! And I honestly have no problems buying used clothing because if that means I get to save more to go to the house or the kids or the family in general then yeah for that! Plus I will still look cute in my new dudes hehe 

Have I told you that I love purses?! Well, when all else fails, purses always fit right so hence why I adore them. The navy and red purse was $3.99, the coral purse was $2.99, and the wicker purse was $3.99. After find these amazing pieces to add to my vintage wardrobe, I truly find it hard to pay for anything higher unless its fabulous and I am sure you would agree too hehe
Brittany and I ended our day at my favorite eatery, Magpie's. It was an awesome shopping day and I learned so much about shopping from Brittany. She is an AMAZING shopper and has such a great eye to finding things! Thank you Brittany!!! xox
This last photo is of the Gobbler-Turkey with bacon and lettuce/tomato...divine...truly. Omg I want one now!

You may have noticed that I had my hair wrapped up in the first photo. Brittany taught me this amazing 1940's pin curl set. She will post the tutorial on her blog as some point but I can tell you now that my curls came out awesome! I loved it and it stayed fabulous even on the next day!

So, what amazing things have you found in thrift stores? Tomorrow I will share with you the massive haul I made at the Antique Malls! Omg-Antique Malls are my favorite drool worthy!!


My Outfits: 
Dress: 1950's Day Dress from Etsy-gifted by my dear friend Beccie from Sew Retro Rose
Blouse: White blouse thrifted at Salvation Army in MO '12
Skirt: From Donnaland-Red Plaid Skirt-Given to me by Brittany
Cardigan: Black Cardi from Ann Taylor
Accessories: Blue scarf borrowed from Brittany
V for Victory Brooch
Black beaded necklace-from Etsy


  1. Your hair looks great! I'd love to learn more about the curl set you used :)

  2. I think you two had too much fun!
    I can't wait to hear more about the pin curl set :) And I love your purses!

  3. What fabulously cool finds (and at such killer prices!). Love everything, but I think that heart-meltingly darling elephant print purse is my very favourite piece here (my mom would just adore it too, as elephants are one of her favourite animals).

    ♥ Jessica

  4. I love hearing of your adventures! So glad you had a wonderful time. :D Girl time should always be a must!

  5. It sounds like you ladies just had a fabulous time! I love your adorable day dress and the blue turban!


  6. Hey Bunny - I thought that was the dress I got you for your birthday in the first photo!!!! How exciting! It looks so lovely on you!!!

  7. You bargain hunter Bunny! Love the bag with the elephants on - bargain!

  8. Eep! *love* that elephant purse! I would have snatched it up too! Great finds!


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