Saturday, April 20, 2013

Finding the Perfect 1960's Dress

After my trip to Missouri, I realized something important. I now finally know what decades look best on me and also that I want to delve more into the 1950's and 1960's. I totally love the decades from 1930 to late 1960's. And I will confess that I absolutely adore the 1970's. Yes, you read right! I will delve into that at another date for sure.

What decades and styles and cuts of dresses that look best on you are just so very important if you want to feel and look your best while sporting a vintage look. I now know my time frame is the late 1940's to the early 1960's. Because I am petite and curvy, I find full skirts on dresses to look the best on me as well as feel the best. I will always have a mad crush on the 1930's and my heart will always belong to the WWII era but it does feel good to now know what area I will focus on the most.

Why the 1960's? Goodness I wouldn't know where to start! I grew up on Elvis and Beatles music. I also grew up on a lot and I mean A LOT of 1960's music. I suppose my parents (who were born in 1949 just literally 25 days apart) were influenced greatly by the 1960's. They were teenagers in the 60's and well I don't blame them. I think music affects us greatly as children and young adults.

I love everything about the 1960's from the films to the movements to the dresses and the slang. There is so much to love about a decade in our nation that literally changed the face of it.

This coming July, I will have another big dream come true. I will finally have a photo shoot that I have been longing and trying to have for over a year and a half. I have asked numerous photographers about this theme I wanted and even tried doing it on the side with friends. To no avail, it never happened. I figured perhaps if its meant to be then it well with the right photographer. I knew the photographer who would do it best (I will share who it is at a later date) and now that I have my chance...I took it!

I cannot say much about the shoot but that it will be set in the early 1960's. So, of course I have been searching for the perfect dress! And it really has to be perfect because of course I want to look and feel my best but I also want to do the theme (also will share later) justice. I really want to look back at these photos and feel pride in myself and feel a sense of joy and accomplishment.

What were some of the styles of dress in the 1960's? Here is a little taste of what women wore then (just focusing on dresses for the moment):
Such a variety to choose from but of course one must think of what looks best on their specific figure. Thankfully the time frame I am aiming at for my photo shoot is the early 1960's and dresses still had full skirts. This is what I am looking for and the shade I am contemplating on wearing:
Knowing what you want and what you like is so important isn't? Not just for how to dress up for a photo shoot but dressing vintage and well, for every part of our everyday lives. I defiantly know I have to have a full skirt and I would like to have short sleeves. I don't want to look like a school girl though-that would be silly hehe I want it to be stylish but not too fancy like the one below. I am leaning towards blue for specific reasons but I am wondering if I should choose another shade because I have worn blue for photo shoots before.
 I also know what sort of style I would like my hair. Defiantly down with some sort of fabulous pizazz at the front of it. Not slicked to the side as it is in the first photo but stylish like in the second. I really want to look obviously early 1960's. I know many will not know that I am aiming for that specific look but I will know LOL
Finding the perfect dress for any occasion-vintage or modern-can be a hefty task to undertake at times. I have literally been searching Ebay and Etsy about every other day. I just don't want any dress and it has to be fabulous, go with the theme, fit me well, and NOT be expensive. A lot to ask right? To top it off with my measurements it isn't easy to find super nice dresses but I will not give up!!

So, if you happen to find a dazzling 1960's dress send me the link! Until then, the search will continue. I suppose it is true-searching is half the fun!

Do you enjoy the 1960's like I do? What do you like about it? What style of dresses from the 1960's do you love the most?



  1. I'm thrilled for you across the board, dear Bunny! I think that a lot of us go through a personal journey of determining, and then feeling comfortable building the bulk of our wardrobes around, certain decades, and I'm super happy for you that you feel like you've settled on yours. Of course, as you know, a gal can always opt to dress from whatever era she likes, but it does help to, okay, these are my decades and I'm going to focus most of my attention (and clothing budget dollars) on them.

    Can't wait to hear more about your long dreamed about photo shoot!

    ♥ Jessica

    1. And I cannot wait to share my dear friend! xox

  2. I think this is more than half the fun, finding the perfect dress! Take your time and when you see one that just totally sings "This is it.".... grab it and run:)) The blue dress that you shared above is just gorgeous! You have lovely thick hair so I'm sure you'll be able to get a great 60's look! You won't even need the hair piece like a lot of the women did back then:) I'm sure Mad Men will also give you a lot of inspiration:)

    1. Oh so right! I hope I get the dress-it will def set the tone for the shoot! And also hopefully start me into delving more into the 60s! Groovy huh?? xox

  3. as joanna said with that lovely mane of hiar you have, a 60's style should work brilliantly. as for the blue, you've already worn it in a shoot because it looks good on you, so why not go for it again? i bet a crimson looks nice on you too though?im petite and curvy too and find the pinup looks suit my figure but i feel a little too risquée sometimes and im afraid of stepping into that past consommation date thing :")

    1. Hehe I love that Rebecca! You're right-I will stick with blue-it suits the theme perfectly as well-I really cannot wait to share what I will be doing in two months time! whoot! xox

  4. I cant wait to see and hear more about your photo shoot. I love the early 60s as well, probably because thats when I was born. HA! I will keep my eyes open for any dresses that might work for you.

    1. Oh thank you so much hun! The 60s just rocked! I think it gets overlooked too much! xox

  5. I do love those early 60s looks. I am not a huge fan of the mod look or most 70s, but the bohemian look is cute. Anyway, it is most important not to settle and I'm so happy that you are determined to find that perfect dress that meets all of your requirements!

    1. Thank you sweets-I hope I find it-its fun to search but it can be daunting too-fingers and toes crossed!! xox

  6. I agree, the early 60's had some great looks. Can't wait to find out what you'll be doing for your photo shoot!

    1. And I cannot wait to share-soon I will-I promise! xox


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