Monday, April 29, 2013

I'm a Queen of Vintage!!!

OMG! If anyone needed a pick me up after the surgery, it was me! Everything went well as can be,  but just super tired and sore. I suppose that is normal especially with running around after kids too hehe 

Today, Lena from Queens of Vintage published an interview I did with her recently and I am so honored that she chose to crown me a Queen of Vintage. I sure have come a long way on this vintage journey! There have been many bumps in the road but this is why it pays to stick by your dreams/goals, to work hard, and to never give up. 

This truly is a crowning moment for me. I want to thank all those who have stood by my side. You will always have a special place in my heart for supporting me and believing in me. My husband, who doesn't always understand my passion for vintage but always fully supports me in my madness for all things old and dusty. My children, who inspire me daily and remind me that being a mother is the biggest joy in my life. My father, for all the times he has babysat so I could go out and do some vintagey things. He defiantly doesn't understand what I do but he knows it makes me happy and that a happy mommy makes for happy grandchildren (his not mine lol). My dearest and closest friends who know my daily struggles and triumphs; Brittany and Nick. To my Swing Sister who brought joy in my life in a vintage way that only another vintage aficionado could. In a time when I needed it most, she was there. She reminded me that there is indeed great beauty in people and great compassion.

Lastly, to my beautiful vintage sisters and readers. Connecting with all of you has brought a happiness into my life that cannot be matched. To be able to connect and share a passion that runs deeply in your heart with others is both a gift and a blessing. Thank you.


Thursday, April 25, 2013

5 ways get a vintage gal on the mend!

Great news! My surgery was a success! Thank you all for your well wishes, prayers, and just for be so sweet to me. I adore you all-truly! I am resting at home now baby-free, my dad kindly is keeping the kids overnight til Friday afternoon so I can rest. I hope you all have a fabulous weekend and I just wanted to share a few things every vintage girl would need to help her get back on the mend! Or any girl for that matter! hehe
Rest is the best medicine-so curl up someplace comfortable and take a nap!
Lots of vintage gals thrive after a good soak but you don't have to have a bubble bath. It can be anything you find soothing to do. I, myself, enjoy putting my cold mask on my eyes...very soothing!
I'm in the middle of a great book that I cannot wait to review and share it with all of you. I can give a hint though-it's about a 70+ year marriage. Whether you are reading about love, romance, mystery, or a good biography on your favorite classic film actor/actress-take a book or a magazine and get some reading done. You will not only relax but feed your brain as well.
 Whether it is on the TCM channel or a DVD or on Youtube, pull out your favorite classic films/tv shows and have fun watching them!
When a gal is on the mend she might not be up for shopping but she can do loads of "window" shopping. Check out the latest on your favorite vintaget sites and feed your eyes with loads of pretties!


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Moving along...taking a BIG step!

Believe it or not but I will be going into surgery tomorrow! 

Since I am high risk and since I am also pre-menopausal, she thinks this is a good move to make. And I agree. I am hoping afterwards I will be able to get the MRI-it is much safer than a Mammogram and also you can see more in the photos. Fingers and toes crossed for that!

It will be a simple surgery and afterwards they will test what they took out and then we shall move on from there. My dad told me it was okay to be nervous. I think possibly I am but I don't feel it yet. I think I feel anxious with a mix of excitement and slight numbness. I didn't expect to undergo surgery again for a long time, I didn't expect this type of surgery, and I didn't expect that I would be on this journey at this age.

But alas it is and I am and so therefore there is only one way to approach this and that's head on without holding back. I feel good and confidant and happy that this step is being taken. I want it out and I want to have more information about the state of my breasts so these tests and hopefully a future MRI will give me that information.

Anyhoo, I will continue to regularly post. I should be able to write just fine. Most likely I will just rest tomorrow with the family and watch movies all day with them LOL

Here's to a successful tomorrow!


Monday, April 22, 2013

Home Sewing is Easy by Sally Stitch

I wanted to share with you all my one and only find while out Vintage Shopping with Mid-Century Pink. I found this fantastic booklet/comic book called Home Sewing is Easy by Sally Stitch. It was published in New York in what seems to be the very early 1950's by Mershaw Publishing Corporation. It is the first in the series and I am curious to know if any more were published but so far I have not found any other issues.

I find this booklet/comic book to be like a sewing for dummies guide. And well at this point I am a dummy about sewing in the nicest possible sense of the word. Sewing has been on my bucket list for a while but it hasn't been at the top of the list or even something I have totally placed in my frame of mind of things I MUST learn how to do. I figure though in a years time, my youngest baby will start Pre-K and so perhaps then I may attempt to into the pool of needles and thread (och! okay not literally lol)

I figure, what the heck? I am a grandchild of a professional seamstress and a daughter of a woman who learned how to make clothes by learning from magazines. So if these two clever ladies can do it, I figure perhaps I can too. This booklet is definitely going to come in handy because it really breaks everything and I mean everything down to basics! I love this find!
 I love the introductory page! And it does make me think-hummm how much can you say by making your own clothes??
Here glimpse of the supplies you will need to get started according to Miss Sally Stitch!
And here is a closer view of some of the types of seams one can do!
Isn't this clever little booklet just peachy keen!!! I found two copies of it on Etsy ranging from $85.00 to  $125 dollars! On Ebay I found it for a starting price at $19.99 and a buy it now option for $30.00. If you would like to see that auction just click here.

Now I have to share with you what I actually paid for....drum roll please.....$1.00!!!! One whole dollar! That was all it was! It was actually in the sellers dollar bin and it caught my eye because it looked like it was from the 1950's and I really think I found a neat little treasure! And let's be honest-you cannot beat that price!

What do you think about Miss Sally Stitch? If you sew, do you find it terribly complicated and hard to do? If you don't sew, is this something you would like to try and do one day?


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Vintage Shopping with Mid-Century Pink!

The last time my family and I went to a Flea Market was in Brooklyn almost a year ago. Today Mid-Century Pink, a fellow NY vintage gal and blogger, meet up with me and little crew at the Brooklyn Flea Market in Williamsburg. 

Boy, was it chilly today! I refused to wear my coat! Simply refused!!! I mean, it's Spring, right? I managed to throw on a jean jacket I had and packed the babies up and off we went! We met LaToya from Mid-Century Pink and oh my-what a sweetie she is! A lot of New Yorkers tend to be sarcastic and jaded but LaToya was the exact opposite. My children took to her easily and I think my bunny girl and LaToya bonded over their passion for the color pink hehe I loved it! I love seeing my children develop relationships with other people. It's a sight to behold.

But before we go any further with the day, I have to share with you what I wore. It was my very first time dressing up 1950's style and first time wearing a vintage hat in New York. It defiantly takes some getting used to. My dressed is a cotton dress purchased on Etsy from lapoubellevintage, which ironically happens to be a seller from Brooklyn! I love my dress! 
Here is a closer look at the details of my dress:
I recently shared a post about What is in Your Make Up Bag?, this is one of the lipsticks in mine. It is from Wet 'n Wild and cost under TWO dollars. Hey, shows you don't have to spend a million bucks to look it! I love it-they have such pretty shades. 
This is the hat I wore. I am loving headband hats! You really don't need to try them on and they fit most sized heads. I purchased this also from Etsy from a seller caleld soulrustI love the colors of this hat-I am leaning on collecting basics colors of both 40s/50s hats but at the end of the day I honestly don't want to own fifty hats. It sounds nice but not when you don't like clutter LOL
Oh and ekkk on the close up of my hair-I refuse to dye my hair but I know one day I will have to. Consider this a bonding moment-I am sharing all my glorious white hairs with the world to see LOL

Aren't LaToya and I adorable hehe My hubby caught a shot of us while we were shopping around the Flea Market
 Here are some things we saw while walking around the flea market. This gift box is so neat-its a pinup girl-I loved it! For blog purposes I put stars to give this pinup a more demure look but you get the picture hehe
 LaToya scored this amazing cup and saucer set!! From the 1950's! Isn't this super fab!!! Whoot!
 I saw a lot of cute kitchen items that had me drooling. I so wish I knew what color we were going to repaint our kitchen...grrrrrrrrrrr Isn't this set adorable??
 Afterwards we headed off to Buffalo Exchange and continued our search for some vintagey goodness.
 Our last shop was called Monk's Vintage Thrift Shop. We couldn't resist going in especially since it was right next door to Buffalo Exchange. And there was a sofa right in front-I just had to get a photo in of myself and my bunny girl.
I walked out empty handed from both shops but it's okay. It was lots of fun to just look around and see what was out there. I did purchase one neat thing from the flea market but I will share that with you all tomorrow.

It really was a lovely day spent with the sweetest new friend and my family in tow. After lots of vintage shopping and a lovely lunch...I ask myself a day cannot get any better than that, can it? We are already looking into making another outing soon. I hope this time the weather behaves itself a little better. hehe

Overall, I am so glad we took our children out to the shops. The boys were sooo good in their stroller and my bunny girl had so much fun she actually fell asleep in the car on our way home. Um, that NEVER happens LOL

I leave you all with a final photo of LaToya and I. Doesn't see look smashing in pink!!


Saturday, April 20, 2013

Finding the Perfect 1960's Dress

After my trip to Missouri, I realized something important. I now finally know what decades look best on me and also that I want to delve more into the 1950's and 1960's. I totally love the decades from 1930 to late 1960's. And I will confess that I absolutely adore the 1970's. Yes, you read right! I will delve into that at another date for sure.

What decades and styles and cuts of dresses that look best on you are just so very important if you want to feel and look your best while sporting a vintage look. I now know my time frame is the late 1940's to the early 1960's. Because I am petite and curvy, I find full skirts on dresses to look the best on me as well as feel the best. I will always have a mad crush on the 1930's and my heart will always belong to the WWII era but it does feel good to now know what area I will focus on the most.

Why the 1960's? Goodness I wouldn't know where to start! I grew up on Elvis and Beatles music. I also grew up on a lot and I mean A LOT of 1960's music. I suppose my parents (who were born in 1949 just literally 25 days apart) were influenced greatly by the 1960's. They were teenagers in the 60's and well I don't blame them. I think music affects us greatly as children and young adults.

I love everything about the 1960's from the films to the movements to the dresses and the slang. There is so much to love about a decade in our nation that literally changed the face of it.

This coming July, I will have another big dream come true. I will finally have a photo shoot that I have been longing and trying to have for over a year and a half. I have asked numerous photographers about this theme I wanted and even tried doing it on the side with friends. To no avail, it never happened. I figured perhaps if its meant to be then it well with the right photographer. I knew the photographer who would do it best (I will share who it is at a later date) and now that I have my chance...I took it!

I cannot say much about the shoot but that it will be set in the early 1960's. So, of course I have been searching for the perfect dress! And it really has to be perfect because of course I want to look and feel my best but I also want to do the theme (also will share later) justice. I really want to look back at these photos and feel pride in myself and feel a sense of joy and accomplishment.

What were some of the styles of dress in the 1960's? Here is a little taste of what women wore then (just focusing on dresses for the moment):
Such a variety to choose from but of course one must think of what looks best on their specific figure. Thankfully the time frame I am aiming at for my photo shoot is the early 1960's and dresses still had full skirts. This is what I am looking for and the shade I am contemplating on wearing:
Knowing what you want and what you like is so important isn't? Not just for how to dress up for a photo shoot but dressing vintage and well, for every part of our everyday lives. I defiantly know I have to have a full skirt and I would like to have short sleeves. I don't want to look like a school girl though-that would be silly hehe I want it to be stylish but not too fancy like the one below. I am leaning towards blue for specific reasons but I am wondering if I should choose another shade because I have worn blue for photo shoots before.
 I also know what sort of style I would like my hair. Defiantly down with some sort of fabulous pizazz at the front of it. Not slicked to the side as it is in the first photo but stylish like in the second. I really want to look obviously early 1960's. I know many will not know that I am aiming for that specific look but I will know LOL
Finding the perfect dress for any occasion-vintage or modern-can be a hefty task to undertake at times. I have literally been searching Ebay and Etsy about every other day. I just don't want any dress and it has to be fabulous, go with the theme, fit me well, and NOT be expensive. A lot to ask right? To top it off with my measurements it isn't easy to find super nice dresses but I will not give up!!

So, if you happen to find a dazzling 1960's dress send me the link! Until then, the search will continue. I suppose it is true-searching is half the fun!

Do you enjoy the 1960's like I do? What do you like about it? What style of dresses from the 1960's do you love the most?


Thursday, April 18, 2013

What's in Your Makeup Bag?

Ever wondered what Lucille Ball, Rita Hayworth, or Eartha Kitt had in their make up bags? How neat would it have been to be able to see products these stunning women used!!!?

Make up should be used to enhance your beauty or make you feel amazing. I basically always used  Clinque Powder and lipsticks.  When I became a mom, I just moisturized and put on lip gloss-the end. But becoming a vintage girl has peeked my interest more in make up and how to doll up properly. 

It has been fun so far I must admit. I know a few vintage gals who wear their make up similar to the way Hollywood starlets did in their heyday, but the kind of look I want to achieve is more like the average vintage girl. Not as heavy but yet still vintagey looking. I'm sure you all know what I mean :)

So here is a glimpse into my Make Up bag!

Having a fun make up bag sets the tone for me. I love Anne Taintor-don't you?!
My basics are these: Instant Age Rewind Primer by Maybelline, Clinique Face Powder, Clinique Concealer, Almay Under Eye Concealer, and Lip Primer by Urban Decay.

I cannot say enough about the primer I use. It makes your face feel silky smooth and it smells great! Best part is that it is under $10!! The only part of my basics that I wouldn't totally recommend is my lip primer. I can say that its okay but not fantastic and I am in a search for another one to try.
The next "layer" of make up consists of: Stila Cream Blush (can be used on lips also), Stila Mascara, Besame Red Lipstick, MAC Russian Red Lipstick, and Two Coral Lipsticks from Wet 'n Wild. Not included (because it doesn't fit into my make up bag lol) are my red lipstick liner and eyebrow pencil.

I highly recommend the Stila Cream Blush-I adore it. I am still experimenting with lipsticks. For everyday non-vintagey use I usually either use my Carmex lip gloss or a maroon pink lipstick. I love my Besame Red and am experimenting with my MAC Russian Red at the moment. While in MO, I purchased two shades of Coral lipstick and I like them very much. I want to continue exploring into the world of lipsticks and find the best shades for my complexion.

Overall, I am defiantly going to use more Instant Age Rewind products from Maybelline. I am also going to continue searching for a better lip primer and mascara. As well as look into better products to shape my eyebrows better.

This is all such a learning process but like I said, it really has been fun. I think its important to know what sort of look you want to achieve and to stick with the products that work best on your complexion as well as bring out the best in you.

I hope you enjoyed taking a little peak into my make up bag!

So.....What is in your make up? What products do you highly recommend?


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Lessons Learned While Traveling

I cannot believe it has been a week since I visited Brittany. Gee, time sure does pass by quickly doesn't? I am sure you already know that we had a blast being together. There is nothing more special than when two people can come together in friendship and enjoy each other's company. I feel so blessed and grateful to call Brittany my friend.

I didn't have a lot of time to think or ponder while I was there but the moments just before I went to sleep every night, I did think about my family. I reflected on some of the things I had been planning on changing.

One of my Facebook friends who has two children a wee bit older than mine said it best.  She basically told me that parents constantly have to readjust and change how they do things as the children get older. And she is so right! I had my three babies in a span of four years and truly relished every moment of their babyhood. But I think now my family is growing in that the children are becoming kids. My eldest will be six this August, my first son will be four next month, and my youngest will be three in the Fall. 

I have been feeling ready since about February for this next stage in my life. When we decided to repaint and reorganize our home, it hit me that I was ready to pack away the bassinet. I didn't want to do it until I was ready, and I am now. 

Going away was fantastic but coming home I realized that it is time my husband and I start traveling as a family of five. It means more money and more work but it also means more fun and more joy. When my family came to pick me up at the airport, my daughter ran to me and cried. I cried with her. I wanted to see their faces so badly. I didn't realize how much I missed them. 

When I have been doing my vintagey outings, I usually do them once a month they sleepover papa's house. I thought I could keep my mommy life and my vintage life separate but every time I did go out, I wondered if the babies would have enjoyed it. I know some events should just be with adults and I know that it is important to have dates with my husband. But now I know that it is also important to have my children with me while I am out doing my vintagey thang. 

I am excited for all these changes in my life. We will start painting the beginning of May (dates changed again lol) and I will hopefully create a cleaner and more organized home life for us. And I am already planning on bringing my children along with me for the 8th Annual Jazz Age Lawn Party as well as a trip to the Brooklyn Flea Market this month.  Oh, and I am also taking them to the Chiller Theatre event and if they get to meet Patty Duke with me, how cool is that????! 

My children are a huge part of me, not all of me, but a massive part of my life. I hope that they will enjoy these new adventures that we will be going on soon. I know I will!!!


Monday, April 15, 2013

Being Vintagey in Missouri: Day Four

It's been a week since my vintagey trip to Missouri has come to end. But I left the very best for last! Antique Malls!!! My two new favorite words! 

I was craving to go to one for the longest time. The last and only I had been to one was last year on my first trip to Missouri. So on the last day of my trip we went to not one but TWO Antique Malls! Just thinking about them makes me giddy!

One of the malls we went to was celebrating their 20th Anniversary vintage style by dressing up as 1920's flappers! They even decorated the entrance to the mall and had amazing goodies that were first produced in the 1920's (minus the cupcakes hehe)
I was just dazzled by all the outstanding booths they had! If I had Antique Malls like this close to me I would go at least twice a month-not kidding! Here is a glimpse of some neat things I saw while there:
I just LOVED those cookie jars! I wish I could have taken one home-next time hehe They just has so much vintage eye candy! Okay so, you may have wondered what dazzling treasures did I come home with. Let me start by saying the most I paid for something was $15. One of the things was a vintage Blue's Clues lunch box in superb condition that I purchased for my baby's 3rd birthday (my youngest) this November (his bday theme will be Blue's Clues). Other than that and two purses below, most things were basically for $10 and less. The small box you see below was just $2.00! I saw it on Etsy for over $12! I scored some more Moon Glow bracelets (last trip I scored three) for $6.00 each!
I found the most beautiful earrings and necklaces each for about $8.00 and down. I would show you closer photos but I will share them when I wear them next *smile* I couldn't resist the peach gloves and matching scarf! I need a dress to wear it with now hehe
The hat above is the only hat I purchased on my trip. Isn't it stunning! I usually don't gravitate to brown but its just so pretty I couldn't say no! And all of the purses-yum! I really wanted staple pieces in my vintage wardrobe so I can match it with many outfits. Now I have a few standard purses in my collection and just need to add a brown and red one!
I cannot resist paper goods! So I purchased some magazines for a few dollars a piece as well as some vintage ads to add to my home decor as I begin the repainting and redecorating. Brittany also gifted me a few outstanding vintage dresses to take home with me! Look at those pretties! My wardrobe is growing! I will share closer photos of them once I have worn them out. But three are 1940's, one is 1950's and one is 1960's. Love them!!!

Oh my! That is all I believe hehe Four days of pure vintagey fun with the most incredible friend ever! I also of course scored gifts for my husband and kids as well. Can I just say-this was the best trip ever!!!!

What do you like most from my stash? Have you been to an Antique Mall before?


Saturday, April 13, 2013

Being Vintagey in Missouri: Day Three

Happy Weekend to you all! Today I would like to with you all my third day of my trip to visit Brittany from Va-Voom Vintage. It was the weekend were we did the most shopping and found the most amazing things. We hit a local antique store Friday night and three amazing thrift stores on Saturday (day three of the trip). Some things I didn't buy but I took photos of them because they were so neat.

I saw these two wall hangings of Laurel and Hardy and I adore them. I immediately texted my husband and asked him "yeah or nay". I wasn't surprised when he said "nay". That was a good call on his part because although I am hoping to incorporate some vintage into my home after we repaint (starting this month!!) and redecorate, I just couldn't figure out where I would have put these two knuckleheads! Did I mention they were only $14.99 each! I know...I know...sooo tempting!
We went to the three thrift stores with Brittany's then very pregnant and beautiful sister named Chelsea. She was such a sport to shop with us. Can you believe her little princess came just a few days later?!! She's so beautiful like her mama and auntie (Brittany). Okay so enough gushing on cute babies hehe Look at what I scored at the thrift stores!!! I found a load of scarves-I have learned that the more accessories you have the more you have to work with. You don't necessarily have to have a zillion dresses but having lots of accessories to go with any possible outfit or to make an old look brand new-the key is accessories. The scarves were anywhere from .99-2.99.

I also scored a 1967 copy of The Outsiders. It is one of my favorite books and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this treasure. They were selling books for 5 for .99, I only purchased one, so imagine how inexpensive this beauty was. And the best bit of all-well its a first edition copy!! Yes, you read right!!! Swoon!!!
I have been eyeing melamine plates for the longest time and I found these beauties for $1.49 a piece and they were also 30% off! Gahhh! And my biggest kitchen find was this vintage ice crusher. Brittany has one as well and adores her so she highly recommended it to me. Cool thing was, I purchased it for just $3.00 and in an Estate Sale we went to, Brittany found the same one for $24.00!! So it does pay to shop around whether you are shopping online, in retails shops, thrift stores, or yard sales. Always keep your eye on finding a good deal!
I also scored a few tops and skirts for regular everyday wear for myself. The prices ranged from $1.99 to 5.99 the most. I LOVE thrift stores! And I honestly have no problems buying used clothing because if that means I get to save more to go to the house or the kids or the family in general then yeah for that! Plus I will still look cute in my new dudes hehe 

Have I told you that I love purses?! Well, when all else fails, purses always fit right so hence why I adore them. The navy and red purse was $3.99, the coral purse was $2.99, and the wicker purse was $3.99. After find these amazing pieces to add to my vintage wardrobe, I truly find it hard to pay for anything higher unless its fabulous and I am sure you would agree too hehe
Brittany and I ended our day at my favorite eatery, Magpie's. It was an awesome shopping day and I learned so much about shopping from Brittany. She is an AMAZING shopper and has such a great eye to finding things! Thank you Brittany!!! xox
This last photo is of the Gobbler-Turkey with bacon and lettuce/tomato...divine...truly. Omg I want one now!

You may have noticed that I had my hair wrapped up in the first photo. Brittany taught me this amazing 1940's pin curl set. She will post the tutorial on her blog as some point but I can tell you now that my curls came out awesome! I loved it and it stayed fabulous even on the next day!

So, what amazing things have you found in thrift stores? Tomorrow I will share with you the massive haul I made at the Antique Malls! Omg-Antique Malls are my favorite drool worthy!!


My Outfits: 
Dress: 1950's Day Dress from Etsy-gifted by my dear friend Beccie from Sew Retro Rose
Blouse: White blouse thrifted at Salvation Army in MO '12
Skirt: From Donnaland-Red Plaid Skirt-Given to me by Brittany
Cardigan: Black Cardi from Ann Taylor
Accessories: Blue scarf borrowed from Brittany
V for Victory Brooch
Black beaded necklace-from Etsy

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