Friday, August 16, 2013

Film Fashion Friday: To Sir, With Love

My very first Weekend Cinema Spotlight was one of my all time favorite films, 1967's  To Sir, With Love. I dare say it may be because I am a former teacher or perhaps it may be that I still have teacher tendencies, but I like to think it is because of the insanely talented (and handsome), Sidney Poitier.

This film takes a man who does not really want to be a teacher by profession and molds him before our very eyes to be the kind of teacher that every child should have in their lifetime.

One of the rambunctious teens Sir taught was a feisty, yet level headed ginger named Barbara Pegg, also known as Babs/Miss Pegg. Miss Pegg was played but the fabulous Lulu who also lent out her talents to sing the film's title song, "To Sir, With Love". Miss Pegg didn't have a whole lot in her wardrobe (as most of the students didn't because they were from low income families) but what she did wear she wore with pizzazz.

The outfit I adored the most was this chic mod purple and white ensemble. To me, it screams late 60's and I just thought it would be a super fun outfit to attempt to recreate.
I decided to challenge myself and find only vintage pieces from one source. Obviously, it does pay to shop around when creating a look but I will be doing just that for future posts in this series. For this particular outfit I decided to go all vintage and all Etsy.
The following pieces were found in these Etsy shops:

I hope Miss Pegg's snazzy outfit gives you a bit of 1960's inspiration. Now who is up for watching (or re-watching in my case) "To Sir, With Love"?


  1. You know, I still haven't seen this film, BUT, I love, love, LOVE the song 'To Sir With Love' - I'm going to have to check out the movie now!

  2. This is a terrific movie!! And blog post! I love the idea of getting the looks from my favorite classic films. This is a good one!!!

  3. Ooooh, just love that you're putting together outfit inspiration images to match each movie - fantastic idea, dear gal!!!

    ♥ Jessica

  4. One of my favorite movies too! It is great and you have totally nailed Miss Pegg's look. Great job! Can't wait to see what's coming next.

  5. I love this movie and saw it recently! Thank for showing our top from our shop Shuushuu by Lulu!


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