Sunday, November 24, 2013

Bunny's Victory is Closed!

Bunny's Victory has moved! I decided I needed a clearer direction when it comes to my blog so I moved to A Vintage Nerd. I will keep this blog open so feel free to continue to reading old posts but I hope you swing by and check out what A Vintage Nerd is all about!!


Monday, October 7, 2013

More Real Names of Old Hollywood Stars

Last week I shared  the real names of some of our favorite classic film stars. I enjoyed putting that post together so much that I thought I would share a few more.

Many are simple, average American names and some are very indicative of  the actor/actresses culture. But no matter why they changed their names, their new stage names defiantly worked for them. Don't you think?
Hedy Lamarr = Hedwig Eva Maria Kiesler
Gary Cooper = Frank James Cooper
Carole Lombard = Jane Alice Peters
Bing Crosby = Harry Lillis Crosby
Joan Crawford = Lucille Fay LeSueur
Boris Karloff = William Henry Pratt 
Judy Garland = Frances Ethel Gumm
George Burns =  Nathan Birnbaum
Joan Fontaine = Joan de Beauvoir de Havilland
Dean Martin = Dino Crocetti

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Doctor Who Wednesday: DW Halloween Costumes

It is October and Halloween will be creeping its way into our households slowly but surely. I know that Halloween, although not typically celebrated in other parts of the world (aside from North America) is being picked up and practiced in all sorts of places now. I mean, what is not to like about dressing up as someone else and getting candy for it? Most of us dress up vintage every chance we get. Although it is more of a lifestyle choice for many of us, it is still super fun to don a costume of a Princess Lea or Wonder Woman or Snow White once in a while, right?

To continue my countdown and celebration of 50 fabulous years of Doctor Who, I found some costume inspiration as well as a few great items that one could add to their DW costumes for this October 31st!

Even if you don't dress up for Halloween, DW costumes could be used for some sort of DW celebration or for DW conventions.

 Fourth Doctor: Both from ThinkGeek: Scarf and Fedora Hat
 Seventh Doctor: Official BBC Jumper here and Question Mark Umbrella here
     Eleventh Doctor: Entire "Professor" Doctor Costume here and  Bowtie from ThinkGeek
 Weeping Angels: livewholly4him (dress only) and NeedfulThingsStudio (Latex Mask)

I also found some amazing bloggers and cosplay DW fans who created some outstanding costumes of their very own!
 JunkSpace Blog
 Hunky Dorky Blog
andreon Blog

Last but not least, here are some sites that may help you create your very own Doctor Who costumes. And don't forget to check out some of my past posts on DW inspired outfits here, here, here, and here.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Real Names of Old Hollywood's Stars

Ever wondered if the stars from yesterday were really born with names like Marilyn Monroe, Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, James Cagney, Carol Lombard, or Clark Gable? Well, some of them were and some of them weren't.

Here are some classic films stars and their real birth names:
Rita Hayworth = Margarita Carmen Cansino 
  Cary Grant = Archibald Leach 
 Barbara Stanwyck = Ruby Katherine Stevens 
John Wayne = Marion Robert Morrison
Lauren Bacall = Betty Joan Perske 
John Garfield = Jacob Julius Garfinkle
Veronica Lake =  Constance Frances Marie Ockelman 
 Tony Curtis = Bernard Schwartz
 Mary Pickford = Gladys Louise Smith 
Kirk Douglas = Issur Danielovitch

Weren't these fun!? I can see now why many did change their names but many like Lauren Bacall still went by their birth names when it came to close family and friends. Today she still prefers to be called Betty. 

The changing of the names is a reminder of how much control the film studios had on their actors and also how powerful a name can be in changing ones images or public persona.

Monday, September 30, 2013

My Vintage Home: Retro Refrigerators

As many of you know taking on the task of redecorating your home can be a daunting one. But I learned just the other day how fantastic it is when something just clicks and suddenly you know the color scheme and how you want to decorate. It like an "a-ha" home decorators moment!

We have been needing a new refrigerator for a bit and my husband asked me if I wanted it in white or black. I have never had a black refrigerator, so I went with my instinct and said "black"!

When the new fridge was placed in our kitchen, suddenly the whole room made sense.

Although I am still working on the rest of the house, I am now focusing on starting on our bedroom and kitchen (the last rooms). So, I unexpectedly realized that the heart of my kitchen just happens to be my fridge.

The floor suddenly looked better and just all the wood and appliances seemed to flow with one another. Just an awesome moment for me!

Here are the before and after of my kitchen:
Can you tell how better it looks? Oh my! This is super exciting for me because I think we will now paint the walls a dark shade of white and the new plates and such will be black/white. The best bit that came to me that in the midst of this dark wood and black/silver appliances, I will add dashes of red throughout the kitchen to add a spark and warmth to it. I am hoping to add 40s-60s pieces throughout the kitchen to add that vintage touch. What do you think?

Here is some neat refrigerator inspiration! 
1930's: Worth Point
1940's: Jitterbuzz
1960's: pzrservices

I love how the fridge has evolved! Yeah for evolution!

Kitchens are typically the heart of many households and for me my fridge became the heart of mine. It helped me figure out how I would redecorate and after almost eight months of trying to figure it all out-it happened!

If you ever want to add some retro inspired appliances and refrigerators to your kitchen, check out Northstar.

And I didn't forget about my giveaway. I apologize for being tardy on announcing the winners. I caught a dreadful cold over the weekend.

So the Winners of the Gidget Sized Giveaway are Chrissy88 and Miss Dolly Bow Peep! Congrats and contact me via my email at

Friday, September 27, 2013

Film Fashion Friday: The Help (Hilly Holbrook)

You have heard me say it before, dare I say it again...I adore the early 1960's. A time still filled with sweet innocence and on the verge of coming face to face with the ever changing world.

My father told me what he remembers about the 1960's was that it was quiet. He meant it literally but that the streets were quiet and people were quiet and life was just on a slower speed. I had a bit of a taste of that in the late 1970's and early 1980's but I am sure it didn't taste as sweet as the times prior to the mid-1960's.

After that it seemed the world was exploded or rather imploded on itself.

I am a city girl raised by a city dad so I know not of life in the Midwest or South. I have always found it intriguing though. Like those southern belles in Gone with the Wind. All those manners and old fashioned ways. Makes me leap for joy.

Unfortunately, old fashioned ways sometimes also goes along with old fashioned thinking. Especially when thinking that one person is better than another, in this case with the film The Help, because of the color of one's skin.

I don't know how many of you have seen it but I will be spotlighting it soon as well as giving a proper book review on it as well. But there is this character named Hilly Holbrook who is desperately trying to hold onto the old ways of the South.

I dislike her character but I love her wardrobe. I cannot deny that. In particular this one dress that is just divine!
Hilly dresses in what I call 1960's preppy chic. This character always wears loud and bright colors because she always wants to ensure that she is the main attraction where ever she goes.

When I saw this dress in Pinup Girl Clothing, it immediately said to me, "Hi, my name is Miss Hilly Holbrook and I wan't you to see know how fabulous I am!". I also added a pair of snake print leather shoes because this character was such a venomous person. You can see where I found the rest of the pieces of the outfit on my polyvore here.
One of the many things I adore about the early 1960's are the hairstyles. How can one not adore this bouffant??!!
If you would like to see how you can recreate your own Hilly Holbrook hair and makeup you can take a peak at these Youtube videos and tutorials: 

Early 1960's Mad Men Makeup (this is the closest I found to Hilly's, many of the tutorial's are for Mod looks or the mid to late 1960's)

1960's Classic Bouffant (one of my favorite hair tutorials)

And here is a peak at the film The Help. A book review on The Help and more outfit inspirations from the film are coming soon!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Doctor Who Wednesday: Blink/The Weeping Angels

One of my favorite episode of Series Three with Doctor #10 has to be Blink. Like Love & Monsters, The Doctor isn't in it very much but I love the introduction of The Weeping Angels.

I mean statues of angels that move when you blink! That idea was marvelous. I have to see they do spook me and it takes a lot to spook me. 

For Series Three the Doctor is traveling with Martha Jones, who is brilliant! She is super smart and although not as beloved as Rose by fans of DW, after re-watching Series Three-I think she was the first companion in a while to be close to an equal in intellect and bravery to The Doctor. 

In this episode set in 2007, a girl named Sally Sparrow (Carey Mulligan) enters an abandoned house to practice her photography. Before she knows it she is thrust into a mysterious adventure involving time travel, time disturbances, a cutie named Billy, a key, and some DVD's.

This episode leaves you following Sally's every step and before you know it the Weeping Angels have crept up on you! Don't....BLINK!
A look inspired by the Weeping Angels involves pieces in various shades of grey with some sort of Grecian look to it.

I scored this cute dress via Ebay here and knew it would be perfect. Best part is that its a great dress for the fall or spring-I love it! I added a fantastic Grecian inspired headband from Modcloth called a "silver of hope" headband, a pair of angel wing earrings from Etsy here, and a belt called a "sasha samba belt" from Modcloth as well. I LOVE this belt! 

So do I make a fierce Weeping Angel? Remember, don't blink!
I thought I would give the Weeping Angels a nod and did their famous pose, hands covering their faces...that is until you BLINK!

Have you seen this episode? What sort of monsters do you find creepy (DW or otherwise)?

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