Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Yul Brynner: A Photographic Journey

A few months ago I discovered a little unknown fact-at least unknown to me. Did you know that Yul Brynner was a prolific photographer? Gee, I didn't know either! 

Most of you may remember Brynner from the films The King and I, The Magnificent Seven, and The Ten Commandments. I especially remember Brynner on Broadway. You see, after my mother's passing my father worked (many times double shifts) at Trump Tower. There Brynner befriended my father. This was a hard time in my father's life because it was just a year or less from when my mother passed on. I think meeting and getting to know amazing people like Brynner was a special treat for him.

Well, Brynner was on Broadway performing in The King and I (he was also suffering and dying from Lung Cancer) and he gave my father special tickets to see him perform. I was nine years old when I saw my first Broadway show. Brynner was magical.

And now to know that he was not only a fantastic actor and generous man, but he was also an incredibly talented photographer. You can read more about his photography on his website here. I find his images moving and the view he gives us of his subject I find truly fascinating. 

 Deborah Kerr on the set of "The King and I"
 Ingrid Bergman
 Charlie Chaplin and his wife Oona, 1960
 Frank Sinatra, flying in style
 Mia Farrow pregnant with her twins
 William Holden
 Audrey Hepburn (who was also the godmother to one of his children)
 Rita Hayworth in the 1960's
 Sophia Loren during the filming of "Houseboat"
Photographer is unkown~Brynner with Heston
He would have made a heck of a career as a professional photographer, don't you think? My favorites are of Rita Hayworth and of this one above, doing what he was passionate about.

You can fin his collections of his works here and here on Amazon. What do you think about Yul Brynner, the photographer? Which photos are your favorites?



  1. Wow this is so fascinating! I'd love to see a book made on his photography. He was such a handsome man. It's also so neat that your dad got to know him personally!! How cool!!!!!

    1. Yeah I know! Yul would tell my dad to stop smoking bc it was a killer and my dad smoked a lot then after after mom but he quit in his early 40s-so grateful-its such a dirty habit. His book looks amazing-there are so many great table books out there that one can collect and look at over and over right?? xox

  2. Bunny, would you believe that my mom and I had tickets to see him in that same final tour?? I still fondly remember it. That just gave me chills that you also went!

    1. OMG Tasha that wild!!!! Omg small flippin world hehehe xox

    2. I know, I'm tickled we share that in common! :)

  3. WOW! What a great memory!! Not many people can say that they saw Yul Brynner on Broadway!!!!!!!! I love it! Ahhhh... to have grown up in New York!

    And those photographs are fantastic! That was something I didn't know! A great little tidbit!

    1. Yeah-it was a special event and the 1st time my dad began to teach me the importance of dressing up for shows etc. NY is a special place I wont lie hehe xox

  4. These are great photos, and what better person to get such excellent shots of actors than a fellow actor!

  5. That is such a sweet story!! And he's such a sweet man. No, I didn't know he was a photographer, or had talent in that department. I absolutely love his photo of Mia Farrow while she's pregnant.

    1. I like that one too Sean! He was talented indeed! xox

  6. How awesome was it that your dad got to know him! And I did not know that he was a photographer. My favorite one is of Audrey. He has great depth of field on that one, something that Im learning how to do on my digital camera right now.

    1. I know it is awesome! He got to know a few other famous people while there. So glad you liked it! xox

  7. Oh, how wonderful to have seen him perform! And yes, the photos are lovely!

  8. I did indeed know that, but I don't think I'd had a chance to see many of his images before this marvelous post. Each one is a treat to behold (I love how each have a their own personalty and soul), but there's just something about the one of Frank stepping out of the helicopter (drink in hand, natch!) that makes it my very favourite of this great sampling of Yul's work.

    ♥ Jessica

    1. Ahhh I know right? That is classic Frank! What a life, huh? Glad you liked them hun!! xox


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