Monday, August 13, 2012

The 1930's In History

On Sunday, August 19th I will be attending The 7th  Annual Jazz Age Lawn Party which will give me an opportunity to make a dream of mine come true. Does anyone have a crush on the 1930's? I mean a deep, long-standing head over heels, mad crush?? I am sure my hand is not the only one that is up right now hehehe 

I have been longing to learn more about the 1930's and longing even more to dress the part. So I decided to dedicate this week to the 1930's. My hope is that we all learn a little something more about this decade in history.

This timeline was found here:


  • Gandhi's Salt March
  • Pluto Discovered
  • Stalin Begins Collectivizing Agriculture in the U.S.S.R.



  • Air Conditioning Invented
  • Amelia Earhart First Woman to Fly Solo Across the Atlantic
  • Lindbergh's Baby Kidnapped
  • Scientists Split the Atom
  • Zippo Lighters Introduced


  • Bonnie and Clyde Killed by Police
  • Cheeseburger Created
  • The Dust Bowl
  • Mao Zedong Begins the Long March
  • Parker Brothers Sells the Game "Monopoly"


  • Alcoholics Anonymous Founded
  • Germany Issues the Anti-Jewish Nuremberg Laws
  • John Maynard Keynes Suggests New Economic Theory
  • Social Security Enacted in U.S.


  • Carnegie Publishes How to Win Friends and Influence People
  • Hoover Dam Completed
  • King Edward VIII Abdicates
  • Nazi Olympics in Berlin
  • Spanish Civil War Begins




Are you as impressed with this decade as I am? Goodness there is so much history to learn. I defiantly want to take some history courses asap! Anyone care to join me??


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  1. Great post, my chemistry teacher played a tape of the original War of the Worlds broadcast, it was great. I can see how people would start freaking out!

    1. Thanks hun! Omg I heard it once too....maybe I will post it on my fb page. Its so darn eeire!! xox

  2. I love how you added the historical timeline of the world events and not just US realted. I've always been pretty interested in WWII/Nazi Germany Holocaust studies and so I'm glad to see this reminder. Thanks!!

    Btw- My family {on Mom's side} have been thought to been German Jews who immigrated from Germany in the 1840s. Germany has always been pretty anti-Semitic.

    1. Thanks Sean! Its all so interesting- I def want to read up more on it!! xox

  3. I was just looking at images of this event a few weeks ago. I am sure it will give you an opportunity to dress up. I saw some pictures of the dresses some of the women were wearing. Fabulous! There are not too many things like this in the NY area so I am sure it will be awesome:

    1. You have noticed too right? Not a lot of stuff here-I don't know why!!?? I wish you were going!! xox

  4. I may be going myself! Perhaps I'll see you. It'd be great to say hi in person.

    1. Oh yeah! I hope so too! How neat! We must take lots of pics!! hehe xox

  5. I've always felt a deeply rooted kinship to the 1930s, as my beloved maternal grandma, Bernice, was born in 1930 and often shared childhood stories of her earliest memories with me when I was growing up. Living far (!) up north in Dawson City, Yukon, her family and most of the community were spared some of the harsher effects of the Great Depression, but nevertheless, they endured and persevered certain aspects right along with the rest of country (and world).

    Though the 30s are not an era I frequently dress from, they will always be one whose history has left a permanent mark on my heart and life.

    ♥ Jessica

    1. I know what you mean. My grandma was born in the 20s so she would tell me a few stories of her childhood in the 1930s which included her first film, "Gone with the wind"!! Grandmas rock don't you think? xox


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