Friday, August 17, 2012

The 1930's In Fashion & Beauty

The 1930's boomed with new styles of fashion because irregardless of how it was in daily life, people still wanted to look and feel good-especially women. Now I am going to start by saying that I am no fashionista and defiantly not a beauty guru but I will share some information on the fashions and beauty regimes of the time with you.

When I look at the fashion of the 1930's the first word that pops into my head is "femininity". Even the some of the simple dust bowl dresses just oozed with pretty colors and patterns. And the shape of dresses in the 1930's is undeniable. If you see it you know it was from that decade!

Daytime Dresses:

Women not only wore dresses during the day time but two-three piece outfits consisting of a blouse, cardigan, and wrap skirt. Or they would wear a sweater with a skirt with a hemline that reached mid-calf. The waist line  was returned up to its normal position in an attempt to bring back the traditional "womanly" look.

Evening Dresses:

The back was seen as the "new" erogenous zone and many evening gowns and dresses were often cut low in the back. 

Dress shapes of the 1930's

Accessories were vital to a women's wardrobe The most important accessory being gloves, which were worn short during the day and long for the evening. Also included were hats, scarves, capes, stoles, wraps, and handbags. Of course women would knit and crochet their accessories and clothing as well~hats, handbags, gloves, and even dresses!

The 1930's was the decade where women were able to really doll themselves up. It was almost as if they felt free enough to experiment and felt confidant enough in their femininity to go all out and glam themselves up on a daily basis. Okay, maybe not every day but you know what I mean!

I found this AMAZING article from a website called Fashion etc and the author wrote a fantastic introduction that to me just defined what makeup meant to women in the 1930's.

"The 1930s gave the world its first introduction to the power of Hollywood glamour. Max Factor, Helena Rubinstein and Elizabeth Arden became household names; Pan-Cake foundation, cream blush and nail polish were invented; and women everywhere said to hell with sensible hairstyles in favor of waves falling dangerously over one eye. No wonder it is considered THE era of makeup.
A departure from the little-girl look of previous decades, the beauty mood was all about sex, drama and glitter. Chalk it up to that big stock market crash, prohibition, and the onslaught of slinky movie seductresses. Lips, eyes, skin, nails, hair—just about everything was buffed, polished and painted into unnaturally fabulous proportions."
This article clearly defines each aspect of beauty for this decade; hair, lips, eyes, face, and nails. I HIGHLY recommend checking this article out. The author could not have said it better than me. You can find it here.
Here are some information videos that you may find inspirational:
All Videos from glamourdaze

I hope you found all of this just as endearing and glamorous as I did. My 1930's week is coming to a will be what I find inspiring about this decade and then I get to share with you all my experiences at the The 7th Annual Jazz Age Lawn Party!!!

Happy Friday to you all!!!

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  1. This is such a wonderful summary! I find the 1930's are often pushed to the side by its surrounding decades and people forget the 30's had a lot to offer. You've provided the perfect remedy and inspiration for my next week :) x

    1. Yeah! So glad to hear that Sarah!! Thank you so much! xox

  2. Great videos, those are the best to watch.

  3. I really do love the 1930s fashions, but the 30s certainly don't love my hips. I think if I ever sew up some 30s pieces, because goodness knows I can't afford original 30s piece in my size, I'd do the late 30s. They were a bit more forgiving of the hips. :)

    1. I am in the same boat with you girl! I have found the rare 1930s dress that has a little flair at the end-thats what I need too hehe xox

  4. Though, less so than when it comes to the 20s, I find that many 30s (especially early 30s) fashions do not work that well on me. They often look best on tall, willowy gals, of which I am neither, yet I love certain elements of 30s style and find myself drawn to them at times. I suspect that if I got to try on the second dress in the daytime frocks section here, that one would work fairly well (as a few occasionally do), as it's a bit closer to some of the 40s cuts and has a belt, which usually is a good thing for those of us with curvy figures.

    Excellent post - and whole series this week! You've really been writing up a storm for us on the 30s recently, sweet gal. Thanks!!!

    ♥ Jessica

    1. Heheh thanks Jessica! I couldn't agree more with you-I wish the dresses were more forgiving-but I still drool over them hehe xox

  5. I love the 30 s. Especially toward the end of the dEcade. Oh the glamour:). Do you have any 30s dresses? I would love to get one one day.

    1. I have only one that I will wear today but its a very casual one-I would like to get a fancier one-just a little fancier hehe xox

  6. I adore the 1930's it's full of glamour and beauty! I adore all the dresses they're beautiful and I love how people used to dress up for everything! XxxX


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