Friday, August 31, 2012

The Birds are back!

Yes you read right!! The Birds are back! Just for one day only! This is for the celebration of Universal's 100th Anniversary. On Wednesday, September 19th, TCM will present the screening of The Birds. It is one of my favorite Alfred Hitchcock films and also one of my favorite Tippi Hedren films.

I just adore TCM and seeing a screening of a classic film in a movie theater the way it was intended to be shown is a very special event indeed! I have already been lucky enough to see West Side Story, Casablanca, and It's a Wonderful Life (the first two hosted by TCM) and they were all magical experiences.

So click on this link and see if they will be screening "The Birds" near you. It is a nationwide event and if  you can make it-head on out!! I just got my ticket!!!


Monday, August 27, 2012

It's a BRAVE Party!

Today is my lil Bunny girl's birthday. Five years ago today she made me a mother. She gifted me with the best role of my life. I remember holding her and being utterly exhausted because it was long delivery, but I thought to myself, "what do I do with her now?" I was totally clueless and I learned that you don't become a mother automatically (I guess technically). You work on the bond and the relationship every moment of your day with them. I spent a great deal of time with my girl and we snuggled together all day long-everyday. Til this day she is loves to cuddle and snuggle.

Yesterday was her birthday party and the theme was Disney's "Brave". We choose it because it suited her to a tea---an independent princess---exactly how my princess is!

My daughter and her friend, cousin, and brothers/My daughter and I~the two Bunnies!

Family and friends joined us to celebrate my girls fifth birthday! Because of the helium shortage I got a little creative with balloons by hanging them from the ceiling. Something I will do for my son's future birthdays as well because its way more affordable, creative, and a hit with the guests.

The main table for the cake, favors, and gifts. 

My husband and I had a left over helium tank from when our youngest had his Baptism, so we used what was left for the side balloons. I cut the banner in half because it was super long. And the favors were bulls eye muslin drawstring bags that we filled with candy. I normally don't like giving candy but it was a last minute thing because it was too late for me to order the cookies I usually like to order as their favors. The Etsy seller is HobbleCreekDesigns and they make some great things for parties and events!

The food table with lots of yummies to eat!

The food was simple but hey-we are not a restaurant! hehe I served chips (two types in one bowl), fish crackers (the mother in the film turned into a bear so fish was a big part of imagery), "bear claw cola" aka soda, mini sandwiches, water, macaroni salad, soft chocolate chip cookies, and chocolate dipped pretzels.

I purchased plain wooden utensils for a few dollars on Etsy and I hand stamped them myself. Otherwise, pre-stamped utensils were triple the price or more!

I also added some super cute "Brave" picks from an Etsy shop called TheBirthdayHouse. I used some cash I earned from ebay sales this week to pick up those little things from Etsy *smile*

The cake was made by one of my SIL's and it was chocolate and brownie with chocolate covered ruffle chips all around.....delicious!!

This is what I did with balloons this time around! Saves on helium, money, and well more money hehe You don't save your breathe though hehe It had a great affect and I loved it. It was also supposed to represent the blue wisps that Princess Merida follows in the forest as she searches for a way to choose her own fate.

I hope you enjoyed our "Brave" party. Another one is coming in early November. My baby will turn TWO...ugh nooooooooooo more! Going to go cry now...hehehe


Friday, August 24, 2012

Bunny's Book Club: Zelda: The Magazine of the Vintage Nouveau

Last Sunday when I attended the Jazz Age Lawn Party I finally got a chance to purchase an issue of Zelda: The Magazine of the Vintage Nouveau. I have been eyeing their sights and hoping one day I would get a chance to read this magazine since there are so few magazines dedicated to vintage. What makes this magazine even more special in my opinion is that not only is it published in New York but it also focuses on a time period of the 1920's-1930's.

Zelda Magazine was Founded by Diane Naegel who was huge vintage enthusiast. She tragically passed away in 2011 but she left behind such an incredible legacy with her magazine, as well as with her loved ones and many friends.

So now that I have an issue in my hands, I wanted to share a little bit of what was inside Issue #2 from 2010.

I will be honest, it was really hard to choose which issue to purchase but once I saw they had an interview with Robert Osborne, my heart just went all a flutter! I have a mad crush on this man! Not in a "I want to marry you way" but in a "I am in awe of him way". I just could sit and listen to him speak all day long. And yes-it's on my dream to-do list to go to the TCM Film Festival. I know, I know...I dream big. 

The interview with Mr. Osborne was divine as was every single page of this magazine. I mean it! It is so beautifully crafted and written and I am so pleased with it that I am hoping to subscribe to it at some point! 

Another amazing article that I just loved was of the last Ziegfeld Girl, Doris Eaton Travis. Zelda did a lengthy interview with her and I am so grateful that they did because she passed away in 2010 at the young age of 106! 

I think it is so important and valuable to write down the stories and memories of others. One of the big reasons I am the memory keeper in my family.

My favorite part of the interview was when Ms. Eaton Travis was asked if she had anything to say to their readers and the people who are interested in keeping the past and it's history alive. For all those who have doubts about their blogging, their passion for vintage, or just simply need some words of encouragement....Ms. Eaton Travis says it best. Read the excerpt below....

I just adore this magazine and look forward to reading more! I hope you liked it too! The latest issue for the Spring/Summer 2012 is available now as well.


Monday, August 20, 2012

Remembering My Wedding Day Today...

I'd like to share some photos from my wedding day since today is our 7th Wedding Anniversary. Seven is an important number to us for many reasons-my husband is born on 7.7 and we were both born in the 70s, we had our daughter (first child) in 2007 and it goes on an on. Corny I know but that's how we roll hehee

We married on August 20th, 2005 in St. Patrick's Cathedral in Manhattan and had our reception in a small Italian restaurant nearby. We combined both our cultures of being of Spanish (me) and Italian (him) descent. Although technically we are American we wanted to celebrate my Puerto Rican and his Uruguayan heritage.

So the food was Italian, the cake was Puerto Rican, and we played a mix of American and Spanish songs. I made our favors myself with the help of my older brother. They were CD's like the kind you buy in a store. So I scrapbooked the booklet insert with the "story of us" and burned the CD's with songs that we both choose since music is very important to both of us.

Our wedding was simple but pretty and slightly modern with a touch of old fashioned things. My veil was like a Spanish veil and my dress slightly modern because it had some pink in it. I needed a little color in my dress because I am so fair hehe

My something borrowed was my father handkerchief-something he always has in his back pocket and always used to wipe away my tears when I was a child.

My father lent me away because I don't like saying he gave me away because like he taught me-we don't belong to our parents because God loans us to them.

My husband is very shy and reserved so when he dove in for that first kiss I was pleasantly surprised!

Holding hands is something very special to us. On our very first date I went to take his arm but instead he grabbed my hand-needless to say I was in heaven!

Our first dance was to a Spanish song I would always sing to him by Cristian Castro called, "Cuando me miras asi" (When you look at me so). 

Dreams CAN come true!!!


Sunday, August 19, 2012

The 7th Annual Jazz Age Lawn Party

The 7th Annual Jazz Age Lawn Party was today! And boy was it fun! My husband was super kind to drive my friend Holly (from Veronica Vintage) and I to Pier 6 in Brooklyn. I'm so grateful because he spared my sore feet from the trains (thank you honey!!). From there we took the ferry over to Governor's Island. After a little walk we found ourselves in a sea of flappers and art deco!

Before I share the rest of my adventures with you I'd like to tell you about my dress. It is a 1930's dust bowl dress and it is my first piece from that era. I purchased this sweet dress from another vintage blogger Tea with the Vintage Baroness who is also a seller on Etsy. Her shop is called Adeline's Attic

What a fantastic seller she is and so helpful too! If you're looking for something special for your vintage wardrobe you should defiantly stop over at her shop!

I added some flair to my look with two clips~a daisy (to go with my dress) and a bunny clip because of course you know why *wink* My muah was done beautifully by Holly (thank you!!).

The party was held on a beautiful lawn that was an old military barracks. I could envision myself vacationing there for the summer-just divine! One of the first booths we looked at had AMAZING vintage items. The two beautiful women behind this booth are also the shop owners of two Etsy shops that I just adore~Giana from The Greedy Seagull and Amy from Wildfell Hall Vintage.

That 1940's hat and 1930's dress (that I have been watching for wks now hehe) have BUNNY written all over it! Wish me luck with my ebay sales so I can snatch it up and wear it to my next event! The Grand Opening of a new shop on September 15th with Giana from The Greedy Seagull and her friend Jessica (located at 22-03 Astoria Blvd)! I am so excited for them and really excited for me because I won't have travel far since it is close to where I live (can we say so awesome!!??)!

This is the way the lawn looked-filled with folks having picnics and just hanging out and relaxing. I loved seeing all the bow ties! Aren't those trees just so beautiful!?? I love trees!

I saw these gorgeous Lucite handbags-I had to take a photo with them. Oh my they were all yummy!!

One of the vendors they had sold head pieces which many of the guests purchased. They were all so pretty. They also had booths for desserts, beers, and food. The place was set up beautifully and very well organized. Holly and I even took a special 1930's themed photo together that I will share when it gets sent to us. The live orchestra was breath-taking, the dance lessons were such fun to watch, and just seeing all the people enjoy stepping into the past was a joy to see.

I was fanning myself with a fan given to me by a member of the Zelda Magazine. I finally bought my first issue and it is so beautiful made and the content is amazing. Expect a review very soon!

I enjoyed every minute of this event and I highly recommend it. I plan on attending next year and bringing my daughter with me. I think she will love it! 

I hope you enjoyed my little trip down 1930's lane this week. It was only a brief account of the history, times, arts, and fashions of the time. I hope to delve more deeply into them as time progresses.

Happy Sunday to you all!!

xox Bunny

PS If you want to read more about this event check out Veronica Vintage's latest post!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

1930's "Modern" Film Inspiration

For the past two weeks I have been getting myself in the "mood" so to speak for tomorrow's The 7th Annual Jazz Age Lawn Party being held at Governors Island. I wanted to be inspired and yes I could have watched some authentic classic 1930's films but I like to use those for my Weekend Cinema Spotlights *smile*

Films are what inspire me so I found a few modern 1930's themed movies that I hope you will find inspiring as well.

The Artist (2011)

Honestly my favorite film of the 21st Century!

A Good Woman (2004)

I was happily delighted on how good this film was!

Harlow (1965)

Interesting to look at but not true to the life of Harlow.

Great fun, quirky and made me want to read the book!

Each film really is a visual delight. Some were better than others but they did the job well-all of them. I am fully inspired and ready to immerse myself in the 1930's!!

Tune in for posts about my adventures.....

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Friday, August 17, 2012

The 1930's In Fashion & Beauty

The 1930's boomed with new styles of fashion because irregardless of how it was in daily life, people still wanted to look and feel good-especially women. Now I am going to start by saying that I am no fashionista and defiantly not a beauty guru but I will share some information on the fashions and beauty regimes of the time with you.

When I look at the fashion of the 1930's the first word that pops into my head is "femininity". Even the some of the simple dust bowl dresses just oozed with pretty colors and patterns. And the shape of dresses in the 1930's is undeniable. If you see it you know it was from that decade!

Daytime Dresses:

Women not only wore dresses during the day time but two-three piece outfits consisting of a blouse, cardigan, and wrap skirt. Or they would wear a sweater with a skirt with a hemline that reached mid-calf. The waist line  was returned up to its normal position in an attempt to bring back the traditional "womanly" look.

Evening Dresses:

The back was seen as the "new" erogenous zone and many evening gowns and dresses were often cut low in the back. 

Dress shapes of the 1930's

Accessories were vital to a women's wardrobe The most important accessory being gloves, which were worn short during the day and long for the evening. Also included were hats, scarves, capes, stoles, wraps, and handbags. Of course women would knit and crochet their accessories and clothing as well~hats, handbags, gloves, and even dresses!

The 1930's was the decade where women were able to really doll themselves up. It was almost as if they felt free enough to experiment and felt confidant enough in their femininity to go all out and glam themselves up on a daily basis. Okay, maybe not every day but you know what I mean!

I found this AMAZING article from a website called Fashion etc and the author wrote a fantastic introduction that to me just defined what makeup meant to women in the 1930's.

"The 1930s gave the world its first introduction to the power of Hollywood glamour. Max Factor, Helena Rubinstein and Elizabeth Arden became household names; Pan-Cake foundation, cream blush and nail polish were invented; and women everywhere said to hell with sensible hairstyles in favor of waves falling dangerously over one eye. No wonder it is considered THE era of makeup.
A departure from the little-girl look of previous decades, the beauty mood was all about sex, drama and glitter. Chalk it up to that big stock market crash, prohibition, and the onslaught of slinky movie seductresses. Lips, eyes, skin, nails, hair—just about everything was buffed, polished and painted into unnaturally fabulous proportions."
This article clearly defines each aspect of beauty for this decade; hair, lips, eyes, face, and nails. I HIGHLY recommend checking this article out. The author could not have said it better than me. You can find it here.
Here are some information videos that you may find inspirational:
All Videos from glamourdaze

I hope you found all of this just as endearing and glamorous as I did. My 1930's week is coming to a will be what I find inspiring about this decade and then I get to share with you all my experiences at the The 7th Annual Jazz Age Lawn Party!!!

Happy Friday to you all!!!

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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The 1930's In Film

Cinema played a huge role in relieving the masses from their unhappiness, stresses, and worries during The Great Depression. There were five major cooperate style studios dominating the film industry throughout this decade and into the 1940's. This decade is also known as the Golden Age of film.

These studios were not just in the business of creating entertainment but also creating mass amounts of money. Kind of sounds a lot like today-huh? Studios didn't just create film stars but also ran their lives, educated those who were under age, arranged lavender marriages, hid scandals, and bought and sold their stars as well.

I mean these studios literally created stars. They would "suggest" a hair lift there, a nip tuck here, dye your hair blonde, or lose weight. I am sure it is done now in Hollywood on some level but not like they did then. They were THAT powerful. And of course these studios were run by men and only men. So one can imagine the sexism and abuse of power that may have occurred. The term, "casting couch" came from somewhere...

Now I can talk about the old Hollywood studios for days on end but let us take a peak on the brighter side of Hollywood...its Stars.
Norma Shearer, Clarke Gable, Alice Faye, and Wallace Beery

The biggest stars of Hollywood were:

Clark Gable, Paul Muni, Janet Gaynor, Eddie Cantor, Wallace Beery, Mae West, Greta Garbo, Jean Harlow, Astaire and Rogers, Claudette Colbert, Dick Powell, W. C. Fields, Joan Crawford, Marie Dressler, James Cagney, Bing Crosby, Jeanette MacDonald, Barbara Stanwyck, Johnny Weismuller, Gary Cooper, Norma Shearer, Robert Taylor, Myrna Loy, Tyrone Power, Alice Faye, Errol Flynn, Bette Davis, Spencer Tracy, James Stewart, Veronica Lake, and Katharine Hepburn. 

Shirely Temple and Jackie Cooper~Child Stars

Many audiences enjoyed the juvenile company of Shirley Temple, Deanna Durbin, Judy Garland, and Mickey Rooney. There were also a number of British stars in the decade, including Ronald Colman, Basil Rathbone, Charles Laughton, C. Aubrey-Smith, and Leslie Howard. 

Some of the best films that were made were:

All Quiet on the Western Front (1930), The Blue Angel (Der Blaue Engel) (1930), Camille (1936), Captain Blood (1935), David Copperfield (1935), Dinner at Eight (1933), A Farewell to Arms (1933), Frankenstein (1931), Gunga Din (1939), The Public Enemy (1931), A Tale of Two Cities (1935), and King Kong (1933). These are just a few and there are SO much more!

In my opinion the most important year in film making for the 1930's or for any decade that matter was 1939! I say this because of the best films ever made were made all in that year. The best film of the 1930's and the top grossing film for that decade was Gone with the Wind (1939). It wasn't just the best film but in my humble opinion that film is sheer perfection. Honestly, if Hollywood today decided to remake this film I would literally fly out to California to protest. That is how much I mean what I say. I surely hope they never, ever do!

"Gone with the Wind" Trailer

If you have seen some of the films from the 1930's then you can imagine how much they uplifted the spirits of the viewer. A film like "Gone with the Wind", so epic and so larger than life that it literally sweeps you off your feet! 

Going to the cinema was a special event where people dressed their best and really made an effort to make the most of it. The elaborate musicals (which were also very popular in the 1930's as well as gangster films), the romances, and the dashing heroes really allowed people to dream a little more and wish a little harder. 

Now that is the sort of thing films should always do....move us, inspire us, and allow us to dare to dream  no matter the obstacles are at hand.


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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The 1930's Everyday Living

The 1930's was completely dominated by The Great Depression. You wouldn't be able to guess that if all you knew of the 1930's was seen in cinema. People needed to forget what was happening and often lost themselves in cinema and music. And I can't blame them. I think with today's horrible economy in the wretched state that it is in many people are losing themselves in television, the Internet, and gorging themselves on whatever they can get their hands on-food, clothes, shoes...whatever.

With that being said, have you ever wondered what everyday living cost during this intense economic state? How did they get by? Basically, how did they all survive??

Here is a little list of what things cost during the 1930's:

  1. Cars: An average car in the 1930's cost around $640. 
  2. Gas: A gallon of gas in the 1930's cost around .15 cents per gallon. Gas was considered expensive that time because and average income was very low.
  3. Housing: An average price of a house in the 1930's was $7145. The cost of an acre was around $200 dollars.
  4. Food: Here are some average food items people would eat: Bananas- 19 cents for 4 lbs Cereal box- 10 cents Loaf of bread- 5 cents Bacon- 37cents per pound Ketchup- 9 cents Potatoes- 18 cents for 10 lbs Hot Dog- 8 cents per pound Steak- 22 cents per pound Apple Sauce- 6 cents a Can Hot Cross Buns- 16 cents per dozen -But these all range depending on what state you buy them in.
  5. Clothing: New materials that were cheap to process had been made during this decade to replace more expensive materials to spark the economy. -Shirt- $2.50 -Jeans- $20.00 dollars - Coats- $16.00 dollars - Socks- .10 cents - Underwear- .50 cents
  6. Furniture: Some Examples of Furniture: Mattress: $15.98 Desk: $9.95 Couch: $23.75 Floor Lamp: $12.95

Don't you wish some of those things were priced that way today!!?? Although it was difficult to afford the good things in life and it was extra challenging especially for those with larger families but people did pull together. Something I wish people would do more of today. 

Some grocers couldn't bare to see their friends and families go without food even though they themselves were struggling. Many of these people lost their stores. But the point is that people stuck their necks out for one another.

Women who couldn't afford milk for their newborn were helped out by other women by becoming a wet nurse for that woman's child. Neighbors would share food with one another or help out in each other's farms ( a time when we had a lot more privately owned farms). They would also do what we call "swap", exchanging food for items that they needed. Children worked odd jobs and would place their earnings in the family cookie jar and sometimes the older boys of a family would take up boxing to bring in a $10.00 prize.

Peoples spirits were lifted high with entertainment in the form of cinema. Some towns would have over eleven movie houses just to provide that opportunity for people to lose themselves and escape their realities.

I cannot help but compare this decades strife with the one that we are in now. Unfortunately, we have been programmed to shop til we drop and help only ourselves. I think it is high time we reprogrammed ourselves.

I know many in the vintage community who are trying to do just that. Getting back to swapping, making and mending, being more creative, and becoming wiser spenders.

I think we can all learn from the past. Think about how all of these women worked and sacrificed for their families. So many of them did without food so their children could eat.  All the things they had to do without just have the little that they did.

There is so much we can learn.


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