Saturday, June 30, 2012

Pinup Girl of the Month: June: Rita Moreno

Rosa Dolores Alverio was born on December 11th, 1931 in Humacao, Puerto Rico. She moved with her mother to New York City at the age of five and adopted the surname of her step-father, Edward Moreno.

She began dance lessons shortly after her arrival with Paco Cansino (Rita Hayworth's uncle). By the time she was eleven she was lending her voice to spanish language version of American films.

Her first Broadway role was at thirteen and in 1954 she was on the cover Life Magazine (impressive I think!!!).

At the age of thirty she landed the role that would win her an Oscar~ West Side Story. She was fustrated to be offered only ethnic roles before she got the part of Anita and unfortunatly she continued to be offered sterotypical roles afterwards.

But that didn't stop this gorgeous actress, pinup, and performer. She is FIRST Latina to win an Oscar (1962), a Grammy (1972), a Tony (1975), and a Emmy (1977)!!!!!! She also won the coveted Sarah Siddons Award for her work in Chicago in 1985.

Not only has Senora Moreno contributed to film and Broadway but also to educational television. For those of you who remember the 1970's she was a part of the main cast of The Electric Company for PBS (love that channel!!). 

On the personal front, Senora Moreno was in a long term relationship with Marlon Brando. And in 1985 married Leonard Gordon who passed on in 2010. They had one daughter together named Fernanda Luisa Gordon-Fisher and two grandsons, Justin and Cameron Fisher.

At the youthful age of eighty she is still performing on stage and on the small screen. Mrs. Moreno along with Chita Rivera are still kicking their heels and strutting their stuff on Broadway!

I don't know if Senora Moreno feels that she has done it all in her lifetime but she should feel very accomplished and at peace knowing there are so many Latinos who have been inspired by her and who strive to go against the sterotypes that society has placed on them. She succeeded when no one thought she would simply because of hard work, determination, and passion!!!!

This will be my final Pinup Girl of the Month on my blog since I will begin spotlighting Actors/Actresses. After I spotlight the person I will then dedicate my weekly Weekend Cinema Spotlights to that particular Actor/Actress. But have no fear! I will begin spotlighting pinups on this amazing blog called Pinup Style. So look for my Pinup Girl of the Month posts on there!!!

Spotlighting all of these amazing pinups was a lot of fun and hope you head over to Pinup Style and read my spotlights there as well. *smile*


Friday, June 29, 2012

Our crazy-cool date!

On Sunday, my hubby and I had a chance to have a daytime date together. Our children were with my dad and he didn't have work which never happens LOL So we took the opportunity and ran!

Our original plan was to go to Films at Lincoln Center to see The Big Sleep but it didn't work out for us. Parking took forever and then afterwards we couldn't find anything to do! Can you believe that??!! The book store we frequented was gone, the movies were finishing too late (we had to be home at 7pm because my dad was bringing the kids back), and I didn't want to shop in a store (shocking I know!).

So my hubby got a smashing idea and we heading off to good 'ole Times Square! We parked our car at 48th street and walked our way over to Times Square (42nd Street). On our way we found a bakery that we were just reading about that morning so of course we had to check it out!

It's called Amy's Bread and located in Hell's Kitchen. I have never really walked around or checked out Hell's Kitchen (another area in the City like Chelsea, Greenwich Village, or Chinatown) before so it was super neat to be able to do so. 

We ordered a red velvet cupcake and a blondie and it was super yummy! I love checking out new places and comparing them to others. My husband is a big foodie so he has loads of fun with this kinda stuff.

Afterwards we kept walking and discovered a mini flea market happening by Times Square which neither of us had seen before but then again it was a Sunday and it has been a long while since we have been in that area on a Sunday-especially without the children.

There were goodies and food from the left to the right of me. I kept thinking how much my friend Brittany would love to see all of this. I hope one day she can visit. New York has its pluses and minuses but I have to say it always surprises me. The City (what most New Yorkers refer to as Manhattan) is sometimes hard to deal with, I won't lie. People push and shove and they live in their own bubbles most of the time not even acknowledging other human beings. Thats probably the thing I dislike the most and also the feeling of always having to be on the GO...ugh I really don't like that.

But its these surprise flea markets and the like that do thrill me and keep me interested. I found a few goodies-one particular goodie that I cannot wait to mail to Brittany. I am dying to tell her so I have to pack it up and mail is soon before I spill the beans hehehehe 

We ate lunch/dinner at Heartland Brewery. They have many of them throughout the City and it was a while before we have been in this one. They brew their own beer and make their own sodas-pretty cool.

We stuffed our faces with appetizers-we had Buffalo Chicken Spring Rolls, Herb Crusted Chicken Tenders, and Grilled Chicken/Vegetable Quesadillas. I also had a mash potatos because I love potatos-I won't lie hehehe

Our last stop was the Disney store which is new and I haven't been to-of course I was thrilled and making a mental check list of what "Santa" may get them for Christmas. We walked around Times Square a bit and I captured my hunny with Disney in the background. Sssshhh don't tell him I put a photo of him on my blog heheheh He is such a cutie-even with that fur on his face (yes I am anti facial hair-on my guy only though LOL).

A neat thing happened at the store. An employee came up to me and complimented me on my outfit and my look. My husband loved it hehe

Spending alone time with my husband is always a joy. Our day was amazing and I often looked back on it during this past week because on Tuesday my husband fell very ill and was injured. He has been in the hospital since then but will be release today. He is doing much better but needs to heal and rest. 

I thought about our date everyday and how much I really adore him. Not just because he is my husband but because he is such a phenominal man-I truly love the person that he is. He is my favorite person in the world and I dedicate this post to him.

Love you P.B. (initials of his pet name)!!!!!!!!!!


My Outfit:
1940's Trousers: By Brittany Sherman
Polka Dot Blouse: Thrifted in MO
White Purse: Thrifted in MO (Salvation Army)
White Flower: Purchased at a local store

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Weekend Cinema Spotlight: Dial M for Murder

"Dial M for Murder" (1954)

I had a craving for a Grace Kelly movie and then I found Dial M for Murder on Netflix. I have been wanting to see this film for some time and it didn't disappoint! And I have to confess that I was also curious to see if there was any chemistry between Kelly and Ray Milland since it was rumored that they had an affair while making this film.

The film follows Tony Wendice (Milland) who is an ex-professional tennis player and lives with his wealthy wife Margot (Kelly). Margot has been having an affair with an American by the name of Mark Halliday (Robert Cummings-who was also in Beach Party). Tony meticulously plans Margot's murder so that he can inherit her fortune and live without of fear of her leaving him penniless.

Two fascinating aspects I found interesting while watching this film was Milland's facial expressions. You really have to watch his face because so much of the story is written there. Another is Kelly's wardrobe in the film which was designed by a Latino costume designer named Edward Carrere

I was drooling over Kelly's nightgown in the film-just stunning. And you just won't be able to take your eyes of the red dress she wears at the beginning of the film.

Watch closely, keep your eyes peeled, and follow the story that Alfred Hitchcock so masterfully directs. I was pleasantly surprised by the ending and I think you be will too!!


Monday, June 18, 2012

Thank you Beccie!!

So the other day my friend Beccie emails me and asks me for my mailing address. Beccie and I have never met and it will be some time before my family and I will be able to visit Australia, although its one of my BIG goals-it would be a trip of a lifetime. Until then I have been lucky to get to know some great gals from there. I find Australia people to be so warm, friendly, and just straight up sincere.

On that note, I have been lucky to be getting to know Beccie online and she is an AMAZING seamstress. And I mean AMAZING! She's so talented and even has a blog all about her creations called Sew Retro Rose. So like I mentioned, Beccie emails me and tells me she has a surprise for me. Seriously, people still surprise me! I still get caught off guard when people are rude and I still get thrilled when people aren't.

I didn't know what to expect and then I get this box that contains the Sculpture Pin Curler Set. OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!! What an awesome and amazing gift from such a sweet and lovely women. She really didn't have to and I am so incredibly grateful for the special gift and for the thought behind it. Beccie bought the set and had an extra so she thought I can use it. I mean to be thought of by someone you have never met physically from literally the other side of the world just really makes me still believe in beauty that people have inside of them and has left me so humbled!

I needed to take out a post just to thank her because she deserves it and also to let you gals know that I will defiantly try this out and let you know how it goes. Doing pin curls by hand would totally kill my arms and hands so I think this will help me out tremendously!

Thank you Beccie for thinking of me! For surprising me and for always being such a sweetheart to me. You're kindness and friendship I hold dear!


Saturday, June 16, 2012

Special Weekend Cinema Spotlight: Modern Films with Classic Twist

"Peggy Sue Got Married" (1986)

I wanted to do something different with my Weekend Cinema Spotlight for this weekend. I know that not everyone is a fan of black and white films or even Technicolor, so I thought why not put together a list of modern films with a classic twist. For those who do love the lifestyle and fashions of the past but not necessarily the style of which classic films are presented.

The first is Peggy Sue Got Married which is set in the 1950's mostly and stars Kathleen Turner and Nicholas Cage. Peggy is transported back in time during her High School reunion and tries to change her present day life by altering her past.

Another film set in the 1950's is Grease (1978) which stars John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John.  Throw in some greasers, pink ladies, and some great songs and oh my do we have one of the best modern musicals seen on the big screen!

Speaking of musicals, who doesn't love Annie??! And of course I mean the original from 1982! Annie is set in the 1930's and it stars Aileen Quinn and Albert Finney. Aside from the fantastic musical and dance numbers the costumes are outstanding and you get a real feel of what life could have been in the 1930's.

I know The Notebook is a favorite among many people and I found the novel to be as delightful as the film for sure. Set in the 1940's it stars Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams. With the 1940's as its backdrop this romantic tale is about love discovered, then lost, and then found again unexpectedly.

One last film that I think fans of the past would enjoy is Hairspray! Sorry for another musical but I am sure you can tell I love them LOL Hairspray (1988) or Hairspray (2007)--either or and you are bound to learn how to dance the mash potato and learn some new groovy words. And if you ever have the chance to see it on Broadway-I highly recommend it!

Some other films that you might be interested are:
There are many, many more out there and this list is very small but I hope this helped those who aren't fans of classic film find some enjoyment in modern films with a classic twist!


Friday, June 15, 2012

A Reflection of UK Jubilee Celebrations

A beautiful view of the countryside of Norwich.

I was curious to know what a typical English Jubilee was like so I asked my friend Nick to share with me and us what one was like. Nick and I have been friends for over ten years and my husband and I are the proud godparents to his two children-Shane and Charmanee. He is also the godfather of our youngest son. Needless to say we are a part of one another's family.

So without further adieu here is Nick's guest post. Thank you Nick for sharing your day with us and these awesome photos! You're the best!!!

My godson Shane running around while the ladies set up the tables.

I had the priviledge of being invited with my family to a Jubliee block party in the east English countryside last week. Set in the large grassy front yard of someone's cottage, a white gazebo-like tent was erected and the area lightly decorated with Engilsh flags, a rare but then obvious sign of patriotism by the locals.

Nick chatting it up with the older folks!

Local folks were invited from the nearby village. About thirty turned up, most bringing their own chairs and foodstuffs to contribute to the party. Living in a town myself, it amazed me how different the rural culture was, with some folks speaking with that 'Narfulk' accent unique to the county.

My cutie pie godchildren!

The whole affair was primarily one of people mingering among and talking with each other while eating various dishes, with a barbeque on the go nearby. This continued throughout the late sunny afternoon until the atmosphere settled into one of those remaining sitting around a mini bonfire as the sun slowly went down, when the subject matter became one of a neighbor asking for advice on how to appease a local farmer who was suddenly accusing her of having shifted the property boundary a yard into his field next to her property!

Crowing the King and Queen!

The highlight of the social event was when my two young children were invited to 'crown' the eldest couple (see fotos) as the honorary monarchs for the day. Shane definitely took it in his stride when he presented the queen with a stick to knight him with! This naturally prompted much laughter from the masses! Margaret and Russell had lived most of their lives in this very village. The former herself was born just houses away, had never left, and had seldom left Norfolk county but to visit Scotland during her long life. She is yet to fly in an airplane!

My godson is such a ham! I love it!


Thursday, June 14, 2012

UK Jubilee Celebration in Photos

The Queen of England, Elizabeth II, just celebrated her Diamond Jubilee-60 years on the throne as Queen!! Quite impressive as Queen Victoria's was 63 years and seven months and the longest of any female monarch. As an American I find the idea of having a Queen or King on a throne fascinating since we don't have that here, but also I find the history interesting as well.

I wanted to learn more about her and get a better insight into her life as the Queen of England so I asked one of my best friends, Nick, who lives in England to send me a magazine. I was elated when I saw the magazine he sent me-omg it was more like a large booklet with oodles of amazing photos of the Queen's life and history. I read every word from front to back and now I want to share with you some of the photos and a bit of history on the Queen of England. Because no matter how you feel about a country having a monarch or the politics involved you have to admit that it utterly awe-inspiring to have a woman in a position of power for 60 years and be a success!

Elizabeth II became Queen for two reasons-because King Edward VIII abdicated the throne in order to marry Wallis Simpson (a commoner and divorcee) and because her father, King George VI (Prince Albert-King Edward's brother) died from a long struggle with illness in 1952. If those two events did not occur she would have never become Queen. Prince Charles was once asked if he was prepared to be King of England and he said that does not cross his mind often because that means that he loses a parent-his mother. I believe those of us who watch from the sidelines forget that-to be placed in such a positive of power means that once loses a loved one.

A young Elizabeth with her sister Margaret and mother Elizabeth.

Teenage Elizabeth did her best to aid in the war effort
by learning how to be a driver and mechanic.

It is said that when Elizabeth was thirteen years old she met Prince Philip and fell in love.
The corresponded through letters for years and in 1947 they were married. By 1948 they
welcome their first of four children, a son named Charles Philip Arthur George.

Mother and Son-I must admit this photo is adorable!

Elizabeth and Philip had four children-Charles (1948),
Anne (1950), Andrew (1959), and Edward (1963).

Princess Diana with Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, Prince Charles
and Prince Philip with her first son, William Arthur Philip Louis in 1982.
Two years later Prince Henry Charles Albert David was born. 
Prince William is second in line to the throne and Harry the third in line.

Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip have been married for 65 years!

The Queens grandson, Prince William and his bride Kate-2011

Queen Elizabeth is a wife, mother of four, grandmother of eight, and great-grandmother of two. As a woman and mother myself, I cannot help but feel impressed, proud, and happy for another woman to have those kinds of accomplishments. Now to add that she has been a reigning Queen for 60 years is an accomplishment very few women get a chance to do in their lifetimes. 

I hope you enjoyed a little glimpse into English royalty and into the amazing life of Queen Elizabeth II.

Tune in tomorrow for a guest post by my friend Nick, who attended a Jubilee celebration. I just thought it would be nice to hear what one was like since those of us on the other side of the pond did not join in these types of celebrations. *smile*


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Family Time Well Spent

This past week my husband and I experienced some family fun time and also celebrated a milestone with our daughter. Let me first say that I am SO grateful to be able to get out with my family of five. Being able to fit all three kids in our car safely has made a huge difference in our family. Now we are able to go to some many places together-big and small.

On Sunday, we took our children to the New York Hall of Science. Its free from Sept-June on Fridays at 2-4pm and Sundays at 10-11am. We made it just in time and instead of paying over fifty dollars we were able to enjoy our time there for free. Which I personally believe it should be, but who am I kidding-its New York and it really is the most expensive city in the country for a reason LOL

As you can see from the photos above, my munchkins really enjoyed themselves. It was our first time letting our eldest boy out of a stroller but since he turned three last month I figured we need to give him a little more freedom and take the opportunity to teach him how to stay close to us and to hold unto the stroller like his sister does.

After two hours of fun time we heading home-so glad we were able to do it since the rest of June is going to be quite busy for us and we won't be able to go back until September.

On Monday, our daughter had a ceremony at her school. Its called a "Moving Up" ceremony where the kids are symbolically moving up from Pre-Kindergarten to Kindergarten next year. I didn't want it to happen and I felt like it was such a huge step but I held it together. I didn't want to cry-I just wanted to be happy for her and us.

In one of the photos you can see my lil bunny girl getting very emotional because she saw daddy and I. I love her-shes so precious. I cannot believe she will be five this August because I remember so clearly when she was inside of me. 

I always tell her that she will be my baby girl forever. And when shes a big girl and gets married and has babies of her own, I remind her that she will still be my baby girl. Why does time seem to slip through our fingers? Why can't they stay babies for a little bit longer?

Its all very bittersweet but I am happy and proud that they are all growing and are healthy little people. Lesson to be learned-it doesn't really matter what you do together as long as you spend it together. Am I right?


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

My Vintage Wardrobe: Dreamy Dresses

Thank you all for your amazing, kind, uplifting, and loving words of encouragement after yesterday's post! I can't tell you how much I appreciate it!

Since I am now venturing into the unknown and slightly overwhelming (because there are way too many to choose from!) world of vintage dresses, I thought it would be wise to include them in my segment of My Vintage Wardrobe.

Can you say YUMMY??!! Oh so many pretty dresses out there! So much to choose from! I also love looking through Modcloth as well as Shabby Apple. What sites do you love to look through especially for dresses? 


Monday, June 11, 2012

Be Victorious: Do I Dare?????

When I first started blogging, one of my earliest posts I had declared to the world that I had a disability. I am more comfortable with saying that I am physically challenged, but hey you  know what I mean hehehe

Declaring it out for the world to read was a BIG thing for me to do. I don't walk around telling people and I haven't exactly been hiding it but I haven't been showing it off either. I have learned what jeans to wear so no one notices and I walk so well with them that people can't tell unless they look real close.
Writing that post was liberating. It felt so good to purge those words and just say it out loud so to speak. Since I began my vintage journey I felt my only option was to wear trousers or 1940's jeans. Looking back, I cannot believe I tried to trap myself into a corner and not allow myself to have more options. On my trip to Missouri to visit my friend Brittany, I worked with Kay Murray from ReverieRevel Photography. There I dared to do something I NEVER thought I would.....

I never dreamed I would wear a vintage dress with my braces on...N-E-V-E-R! Let along wear them for a photo shoot! But I decided to throw caution to the wind. A lot of work and sacrifice went into that trip; from me, my husband, my dad, Brittany and her family, and Kay. So I didn't want to hold back. I wanted to see if I could do it. And I did!

I am a very feminine person despite my jean wearing ways. I haven't worn a dress since my wedding day in 2005 and prior to that I wore one last in 2003 at my then Seniors Prom. But that day I wore boots and was able to manage not wearing my braces-that's no longer the case since my CMT ages as I age so therefore as I get older I lose more strength in my legs, arms, and hands. 

Dare I say it? I thought I would love wearing 1940's trousers but instead I feel amazing in vintage inspired dresses!!! So should I dare and wear more dresses? I am daring myself this summer. For my Coney Island shoot this June 24th I will be wearing a dress and hoping more after that.

Who knew that I would do this? I certainly didn't! So what do you think? And have you ever thought you couldn't do something and tried doing it anyway? How did it work out for you?

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