Saturday, June 29, 2013

My Vintage Wardrobe Series

At the beginning of my vintage journey I felt I had a great deal to learn. Honestly, I still do-especially when it comes to fashion. It's not that I don't enjoy fashion as much as others may, it is just I didn't grow up with a passion for fashion. I mean between a dad, an older brother, and a grandma-every time I wanted to express myself through clothes I was either told no or told to stick with what I had-which wasn't much. LOL

Now I am all grown up and I have a chance to delve into fashion in a way that I couldn't as a child. I did experiment in my early 20's and dressed very retro-mostly 1970's. I was a bell bottom sight to behold and I loved it!

Being able to express my love for the past has renewed my interest in fashion and through My Vintage Wardrobe series, I am exploring the wonderful world of clothes and accessories in my own way. Join me as I share what I have learned and hope that I may inspire you in exploring your view of fashion and help make your vintage wardrobe the best it can be!

These are the posts I have written within this series so far:

What posts were the most helpful to you? What topics on fashion would you like to learn more about or see more of?


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Follow Bunny on Bloglovin!

Seems things are changing in the blog world! If you want to continue to read my blog and others as well follow them on Bloglovin! You can Follow my blog with Bloglovin by clicking on this link. There will be lots and lots of changes happening on my blog within the next few months and I would love for you all to see them!

You can also follow me on my Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook. I will be getting on Instagram soon I hope and will share that information when I get it.

Goodness me-I hope we all keep up with our favorite and new blogs irregardless of the changes ahead.

Here's to all of you my amazing, amazing readers!!!

xox Bunny

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Stepping Up and Stepping Out!

It's official! My eldest bunny is going to start first grade in September! Gee-the time has really flown. This month my bunny girl had her "Stepping Up" aka mini graduation from Kindergarten. The entire family was there to see her sing and perform to her hearts content. She made everyone laugh during her part of a skit they had. Good thing we ordered a dvd from the school because we cannot wait to watch her hamming it up again hehe

Not only was that day a big step for my daughter but it was a big step for me as well. I normally go to pick up my daughter from school in my usual comfy garb of jeans and a nice cotton top. I also usually wear my University alma mater cap on and no makeup.

So instead of my mommy outfit, I decided to go to her ceremony dressed in my vintage best. My daughter LOVES it when I dress up so I thought she would be thrilled when she saw me dressed up and she was!
It was a incredibly humid day that day-eekkkk for people who have wavy or curly hair! The horror! Thankfully I had a hat to cover most of it-what a perfect invention-it looks pretty and covers up bad hair days LOL 
Who says you have to spend a million to look like a million bucks? Not here you don't! You will not believe  how much my dress cost.....okay I should probably tell you. $4.99! Yes! It's crazy huh? I scored it on my last trip to MO.

The accessories were thrifted locally and the gloves also purchased while in MO. They were NOS and cost under $6.00 as did the handbag. The dress is 1980's does 1940's and I think it does a fair job of it. The hat is another story. It is a late 1930's/early 1940's hat purchased via Etsy from Europe. It wasn't under $6.00 but it was worth the investment. I think having a few amazing hats in various shades of solids allows you to to wear it with many things unlike buying a hat that is striped or a bold color like hot pink.
This is my first dressy tilt hat and I am in love! I look forward to finding more to compliment my growing vintage wardrobe.

Attending my daughter's "Stepping Up" ceremony dressed in vintage was a HUGE stepping out moment for me. Most mother's dressed casually and no one has ever seen me dressed this way. I knew I would stick out like a sore thumb but I am proud of myself for doing it. I felt beautiful and feminine and I found it so appropriate to dress up for a special occasion-something unfortunately many people do not do anymore.

Have you had a vintage "stepping out" moment recently? If you haven't, do you think you will?


Sunday, June 23, 2013

Jazzy Time @ the 8th Annual Jazz Age Lawn Party

Last week I attended The 8th Annual Jazz Age Lawn Party at Governor's Island. It was hosted by Michael Arenella & His Dreamland Orchestra. This was my second time going to this beautiful event and you can see my post about last summer here.

This time around I decided to bring my family along with me. It was such an adventure. The children behaved really well but they had their moments of course because it really isn't a place for children my babies ages. It more for adults but I am really glad that we took them. It gave them a chance to see and do things they never have before.

We drove to Brooklyn and then took a ferry boat ride to Governor's Island. It was the first time my children were on a boat and they really loved it. We plan on taking them on the Staten Island Ferry this summer since its free.  For a family of five-free is a beautiful word to hear. Heck-for anyone it is hehe

I wore a 1930's inspired outfit and attempted to dress my children up. Some parents dressed their children in authentic 20s/30s outfits (which was adorable!) but I wanted mine to look cute but be very comfortable. So, the boys and their daddy wore polo shirts and khaki shorts while bunny girl and I wore dresses. They were all such good sports. I am a lucky mama!
My dress was more of a early 1940's dress but I think it worked as a 1930's look. 1920's authentically vintage dresses are very hard to find and super duper pricey. As much as I adore the 20s/30s-the clothes from those eras do not look their best on my type of figure so I didn't want to spend too much on my look just for one event.

I did use an authentic 1930's black crocheted handbag and the pattern of the hat I wore was a 1930's pattern. Brittany from Va-Voom Vintage made the hat for me especially for this event-you can read about it all here. I love my hat!!!

I accessorized with a simple black choker purchased at a thrift store for 2.00 dollars and a pair of black stud earrings. My hair is luckily already wavy so I simply put hair styling clips in the front and set my hair as I usually do. Then the day of I brushed out the waves in the front and clipped my hair up to give more of a bob look. I hope it looked okay!
My daughter wore a typical very very girl dress I purchased on ebay for 9.00 dollars. The seller included the hat for free-how sweet is that??!!! I usually dress my daughter in feminine dresses but more modern yet not big girl styled dresses. Hope that makes sense. This style of dress is usually not my taste for her but I found it soooo charming and it looked so vintagey on her. She loved it and so did I!
The booths were a hoot to check out and it was sooo humid out that I decided to get my bunny girl and I some fans. hehe
After lunch (the food was outstanding!) I went to look for Giana from The Greedy Seagull and Amy from Wildfell Hall Vintage-two of my very favorite vintage sellers and lucky me-they both are New Yorkers! The dress I am holding out is soooo amazing-the pattern is of carriages and umbrellas-I love it. You can find it here. And yes, my daughter is curtsying! She is such a performer and a little princess too! And isn't that hat fab??! It was stunning in person. I think my little one has great taste!
I would say it was a lovely day out with my family. I highly recommend checking out the Lawn Party one day if you can. It's nice to walk around and check out all the booths. We also took photos in two specially themed photo booths-cannot wait to see how the photos turned out. Everyone there was enthusiastic about the music and the ambiance was so inviting-how can one not enjoy themselves?

Hope you enjoy a little glimpse in the Jazz Age Lawn party!

Do you have events like these where you live? Have you gone too them lately or plan to?


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

10 Fabulous Vintage Blog Posts

Just the other day I shared some of my top and favorite posts from my blog. Today, I would like to share a few of my favorite posts that were written within the last six months from other vintage bloggers.

If you don't read any of these blogs already, I hope you will check them out and that you will find them inspirational and full of vintagey goodness.

Mid-Century Pink: I love that LaToya is going to do a 1950's Housewife challenge! How neat is that??!!

By gum, by golly: Tasha makes the most amazing things. She is so inspirational and really embodies the vintage spirit by making many of the pieces of clothing she wears!

Vixen Vintage: Solanah has such talent when it comes to knitting-swoon! This is by far my favorite piece she has made-it just makes you want to perfect your own knitting skills! Wow-weeeeeeee

Retro Gran: It warms my heart when people put the effort to remember how wonderful dads can be, even television ones!

The Fiercest Lilliputian: There is no denying that Emma is a beautiful young woman. But just like many of us she needed to be brave and face her fear~she does so gracefully in this post.

Va-Voom Vintage: Brittany's tutorial on how to take a thrifted sweater and duplicate an outfit that one of the characters in the film The Help wore. What an outstanding job she did!

Chronically Vintage: Jessica wrote such a candid and brave post-she just inspires me to no end! This is a must read!

Dividing Vintage Moments: I LOVE Joanna's steals, deals, get 'em now series! She is SO good at finding vintage things-one of the best vintage hunters I know! I think you will all love this series too!

Lost in the 50s: Seriously its hard to pick a favorite post from this blog! I love how Laurence and her husband dress and celebrate the 1950's and they always are going somewhere and doing fun things together-so darn cute. I love this post because Laurence tried something different and she looked amazing doing so!

Tickety Boo Tupney: I love how authentically vintage Tupney does everything. She is one of my favorite vintage bloggers and is such a doll. I love this post that I attached-you will see why!

There you have them! So many vintage blogs to choose from and so many incredible posts to share but these I hope you will find as inspirational and enjoyable as I have!


PS Just click on the blog name and it will take you to their posts!!!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Celebrating {Father's Day} the Vintage Way

Father's Day is this Sunday here in the states. It is a time to remember all the dads whether in memory or by gifting him another tie for the office. Either way, in a society where many father's are absent either because of choice or by design, there are many father's out there who do an outstanding job at tending to their loved ones. 

I was raised primarily by my father after my mother's passing and he is one of my favorite people I have ever known. He has taught me it is okay to be imperfect, that being different is the best way to be, and that life is a journey. It is safe to say that I am a daddy's girl and I still am and yes I still call him daddy.

When I met my husband, within two months of being with him I knew he would be a fantastic husband and father. He set out to have only one child, but three babies later....hehe He defiantly is the type of father I believe every child deserves.

He isn't perfect, he isn't my dad, he isn't a super hero. He is exactly as he is-gentle, kind, fun loving, sweet, nurturing, responsible, and loving, All the things he was before he became a father just amplified three times! And I love every bit of it.

Today we decided to celebrate Father's Day for my husband since technically mama mistakenly booked a massive vintage event for the family to attend and yes, I didn't realize it was on Father's day! ekkk! But it's okay because now we have three days to tell him how much we love and adore him.

My husband is a simple guy. What makes him happy is having us safe, paying the bills on time, having a good meal, and drinking a nice cold beer. So, I figured the best gift for my hubby would be to take him out to a place he has been yearning to go to for ages! 

We went to the Manor Oktoberfest. Delicious food and scrumptious beer-perfect combination for my hubby. And you cannot get any more vintage than celebrating Oktoberfest (it began in 1810) and the closest we have gotten to so far is by going to this restaurant hehe
The bunny crew~hubby and the little ones 

I aimed to wear a pretty dress for my hubby because call me old-fashioned but when a woman dolls herself up for her loved one, its a special gift they are giving to them. Well, because of the impending rain I decided to wear my Freddies of Pinewood jeans (purchased on ebay for half the price!) and top (gifted by my Swing Sister). Hubby was pleased as punch and that made both of us happy. Score!
Of course it ended up not raining much but I think I still rocked the vintage casual look. What do you think? Do you have a go-too vintage look on bad weather days?

What plans do you have for Father's Day?

Bunny's Outfit
Top and Jeans: Freddies of Pinewood
Navy Cardigan: Old Navy
Handbag: 1940's Embriodered Fabric Purse: Vector Vintage
Accessories: Earrings, belt, bracelet, and scarf: Purchased in MO


PS For those who love classic films, check out this amazing blog and their list of father themed films!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Top 5 Favorite Posts from Bunny's Victory

For your reading pleasure, I thought I would share a few of my blogs top posts (of the moment because it changes often hehe). Just some background information for those of you who may be new to reading my blog~before I became Bunny's Victory I was The Musings and Adventures of a Pinup Mama. When I first began my blog I was trying to find my identity, place, and voice in this wonderful and beautiful world called blogging.

It took some time, patience, and lots of work but I eventually did and then I changed my blog name. I think it fits me better, don't you? So, because I switched blog names and addresses I know that many of you may have clicked on older posts, you may not have been able to read them and for that I am sorry. So, I included some older posts as well that I consider some of my favorites. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them!

There you have it! I love looking back and seeing what was done before, don't you? On that note, I defiantly have to make a list on my favorite posts by other bloggers! Putting that on my to-write list hehe

Enjoy!!! xox 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Hey Doll! Vintage Magazine: Issue 5: Tea Time

Click to view Issue 5: June {Tea Time} on GLOSSI.COM

Hey Doll! Vintage Magazine is out today! We invite you to get to know our contributing team as well as consider being a contributor yourself! Our next issue will be out in July and it will be a 1940's Patriotic theme.

You can submit to us at And don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter!!!

Enjoy our issue dedicated to the beauty and joy of tea time!

Hey Doll! Vintage Magazine is out today! We invite you to get to know our contributing team as well as consider being a contributor yourself! Our next issue will be out in August and it will be a 1940's Patriotic theme. You can submit to us at And don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter!!! Enjoy our issue dedicated to the beauty and joy of tea time! xox

Saturday, June 8, 2013

My Vintage Home: Making Progress....

Happy June everyone! Gosh, I feel like I have been away from blogging for the longest time! Eeek! I don't like being away for this long! But I do have a good reason! The painting process in my home began and we are now mid-way through. 

I feel as though painting is the foundation. Once you have that done then you can clean, organize, and redecorate. Of course we have met some challenges; rainy days, hot days, hubby's work schedule, my dad's schedule, etc. A project that I thought would take two weeks is now going into its sixth week. But the foyer, living room, kids bedroom, and bathroom are painted. We just need to finish the moldings in the dining room and hallway. I was going to leave our bedroom and kitchen for the fall but I decided to do our bedroom this summer as well. That will just leave us with the kitchen and front lawn to deal work on come September. The fall is usually super busy for us anyway so this way we can focus on those areas and it won't be as overwhelming.

A part of creating a home with your loved one is to compromise. Our home originally was painted with simple shades of cream and white and I yearned for some color. So we compromised-light colored walls and dark curtains and decor. That way hubby has his light colors and I get the darks that I love, plus it creates a fantastic contrast giving the home more depth and warmth as well.

For the foyer we choose a color by Behr called Full Moon. We added a beautiful shade of grey curtains to the foyer which has given it incredible contract. The the living room, dining room, and hallway were painting Sterling. Which is just a shade darker than Full Moon but it has made such a difference. It is like a light grey/blue and not heavy on the eyes. I am so pleased with the way it is turning out! Whoot!
We originally worked on the kid's room first. Their playroom still needs to be decluttered, organized, and set up for them to play in but their bedroom is about 90% completed. It was painted a shade of light blue and as you can see from the photo below-all three little bunnies sleep in a row!

I have to still hang their decor-their belly molds (each one has one), frames, and this super cute garland where you can clip on photos of their artwork. I chose sheep so I can put it over their beds and help them sleep. Cheesy I know but I couldn't help it! I will add a few more touches as time progresses to their shelves, but so far it is on its way to being done.
The curtains and wall you see above are from my foyer and a frame I purchased at Bed, Bath, and Beyond for the living room. Painting and redecorating is a challenge but trying to add something vintagey to each room has proven to be uber tricky! Hubby isn't a fan of things that are old and so we compromised and he agreed he wouldn't mind retro (new) decor here and there. Trouble is what to get and where to get it!!! Gahhhh!

So, that is what I have been up to so far! Do your spouses/partners have a hard time with  your love of vintage in your home? How have you compromised?

Tune in for more on My Vintage Home segments as well as loads of jam packed posts to come soon!

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