Tuesday, February 19, 2013

My Vision Board: Six Months Later...

I cannot believe it has already been SIX months since I created and posted my Vision Board in my kitchen! For those of you who may be new to my blog, you can read all about my Vision Board creation here.

I am curious to know, do any of you have a Vision Board? If so, has it worked for you? I started my Vision Board because I needed to bring change into my life. The past five years have been very difficult for my family and I in some ways (as it is in life from time to time) and I just didn't want to stay where I was at. Simple as that. I needed change. And I needed to feel as though I have acquired some level of success for myself-not only as a wife and mother-but something entirely for me.

I included photos on my Vision Board to help me focus on my goals/dreams and I also included words around the images. I figured I should write down the impossible or rather what seems impossible at that point.

So, I decided since it has been six months since I hung up my dreams on my kitchen wall and now it's time to look back and see if anything of those dreams have been fulfilled.
The top portion of my board focuses on writing and being published. Well, as many of you may know I was published just this month in Vintage Life Magazine! Not only was I published there but also in Folie Vintage Magazine and I started an emagazine with Brittany from Va-Voom Vintage called Hey Doll Vintage Magazine. Oh my! I had no clue that was going to happen!

Out of the five dresses I posted in the photo, I did score one of them and I wore it to the Downton Abbey Event in December. I also have a photo of a woman dressed in patriotic colors, I didn't know this then but I am now leaning towards clothing and accessories with the patriotic colors of red, white, and blue. Who knew?
Some other dreams are in the beginnings of happening such as; a few creative photo shoots are in the works, I may be able to go to the WWII Weekend in Reading, PA this June, and I will start my redecoration of my home starting this spring with the children's rooms. A few other dreams will take some more time to work towards but they will be worked on, I assure you!

I cannot say how thrilled and relieved I am that these changes have been made in my life. I also feel incredibly grateful for all the support my family and friends have given me especially on the days that my struggles were the hardest. To them, I always send my love and thanks.

One last important goal/dream that I wrote on my Vision Board was to gain 110% confidence in my post-babies body. I am happy to say that I am about at 90% and it feels incredible and freeing. I have almost reached my goal and I know that I will make it. I don't want to ever be trapped in that state of thinking where I look back and ponder on the figure I had before or ponder on the figure I can have in the future. I want to accept and admire what I look like right now.

I hope you are inspired to create your own Vision Board or even to set some goals for yourself for this new year. Know that if you believe in yourself, if you have faith in who you are-then you CAN achieve your goals and make your dreams come true. I personally do a double whammy and I sent out my goals/dreams (via my Vision Board) out to the Universe and I also pray every night. I believe strongly that since we have this one life, we should strive to make it a fantastic one!

Here is to dreaming and making those dreams come true!!



  1. Congrats, dear!I'm really happy about your dreams that came true! :)
    As I can see on your board, you want to go to Europe. If you will go for your trip and you will visit Poland, remember to have some tea with me! :)


    1. Oh thank you Monika! You are such a sweetie! Oh my I sure will!! Thank you!! xox

  2. What a beautiful post, dear Bunny. It's awesome that you wanted to share some of the elements from your dream board that have been able to come to fruition in the past half a year (in no small because of your drive and determination to make them so). I am truly happy for you about all of these wonderful things and fully believe that everything else - and much more - that you're dreaming of while come true for you as time continues to roll onward, honey.

    ♥ Jessica

    1. Oh sweetie-thank you! I appreciate how you understand me so well! Thank you! Besos!

  3. Wow, who knew your dreams would come true so fast! Nice job, I am positive the rest of your board will come true too!

    1. I know right!!? Its so funny bc the last month I was like..."wow nothing is happening from my board minus the dress" and then so much of it hit me all at once. I am excited bc it just shows that if you believe and work hard and put yourself out there into the world-amazing things can happen!!! Thank you T!! Muah!

  4. I don't have a vision board, so to speak, but I do "pin" hairstyle ideas, dresses I'd love to buy, trips I'd like to take, and home decor I want on my Pinterest boards.

    How awesome that your dream of being published has been fulfilled! Congratulations!

    I have no idea what your struggles have been this year, but I do want to say that I can relate to the fact that you HAVE struggled. Seasons of a woman's life are always changing, and after leaving a great career in 1990 to raise and homeschool my kids, I recently reached that place all stay-at-home moms one day reach---trying to figure out what purposeful thing to do with my life now that the kids are raised. I've agonized a lot, so I sympathize with other women who, also, are trying to find their identity and feel like they matter as a person, rather than just as a mom.

    The WWII weekend sounds great..hope you are able to go.

    I love any and all things "Downton Abbey." I'll bet the event was fantastic!! Was Hugh Bonneville or Dan Stevens in attendance? Or that wonderful Maggie Smith?

    Have a great day,

    1. Oh Patti! Thank you so much! Yes-I had my career too and after my 3rd baby I realized I needed to create a life just for me. I appreciate how you can understand the seasons of a woman's life. I am starting to see that it is indeed seasons and that hard times come and go as good times come and go as well. Click on my link that I posted for the event I went to when you can-Hugh was there and I met Jim Carter but Dan wasnt there nor Maggie Smith. And may I say that Rob James-Collier is DREAMY!! xox

  5. Lovely post Ms. Bunny. I'm so glad that some of your visions have come true. Will you do an updated vision board? I hope that you are able to make it to PA in June! I'm sure you can if you set your mind to it.

    1. Thank you my dear! I sure will! I am eager to create a new Vision Board once this board has reached its 1st year. At this point I am just adding things with words rather than photos. Def some of my goals will take me a year or two or three to happen but the imp thing is that I will make them happen. Thank you always for your support and friendship!!! xox

  6. I did have a vision board for my weightloss journey and it worked well at the time but now my goals are changing so I really need to get a new one done.

    Congratulations on gaining body confidence! It can be hard but I find 40's/50's fashion really enhances the womanly body and i have never felt more confident than dressed up in my vintage clothes.

    1. Oh I hope you do sweetie! I am a very visual person so this has helped me heaps! It is challenging to accept your body as it is but I am determined to do so. I refuse to feel trapped in my own existence kwim? xox

  7. A fabulous idea! I think I might do something similar - it helps you to focus and reach for goals you wouldn't normally.

    You've achieved alot Bunny and you should be very proud of yourself :)


  8. Really admire you, after reading your post I'm also thinking about the idea of getting a Vision board for myself, congratulation on being publihed (that would be also a dream come true for me) and you look amazing on the blue and red dress, so self-confidence growing ip.

  9. I have a sort of vision clothesline in my room! It tends to focus on bigger dreams like career and character and stuff, but I have posters, newspaper articles, prayers, quotes, drawings, all sorts of things clipped up with clothespins on a string on my wall!


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