Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Bunny's Book Club!

I have been working on many things for my blog and one of them is to include more book (and magazine) reviews. I aim to post a review at least once a month but I may do more. It all depends on if I finished the book or not.

In the past I did some book and magazine reviews and here are the ones I have done so far:

Films of the Golden Age

Audrey Hepburn, An Elegant Spirit

Marilyn Monroe in Vanity Fair

Va -Va-Voom!

Marilyn and Me

Zelda Magazine: The Magazine of the Vintage Nouveau

Bunny's Top Five Vintage Magazine Picks!

Hey Doll! Vintage Magazine

Miss Subway New York:1941-1976

I will be reviewing all the books in the photo above and more! If there any books at all that you would be interested in seeing reviewed let me know. Anything from vintage hair to fashion to books that films were based on to biographies or autobiographies. Anything at all as long as it is somehow related to the past.

I hope you will enjoy my reviews as much as I have enjoyed putting them together and more importantly reading the book!

"There are two motives for reading a book: one, that you enjoy it; the other, that you can boast about it" ~Bertrand Russell

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Rago Girdle Review: Show Off Your Best Curves

The summer in New York has brought to my attention that I passionately dislike extreme heat and humidity. With that said, I have realized this summer that it is most challenging for me to dress vintage in this type of weather than in any other.

Usually when I dress up I wear my bra (of course), stockings, and then some type of tummy support. Add on my leg braces (that are plastic), my shoes, and makeup on and I felt like a melting wax figure!

This actually got me thinking. I have been curious about vintage bras, girdles, and stockings for a bit now and wondered to myself if possibly wearing an open bottom girdle would not only give my tummy support but allow myself to feel less constricted with the full pantyhose on and instead wear stockings attached to the garter-which I have never done.

I also have been looking for more comfortable option for tummy support. I love my Spanx but sometimes it would make me feel like I was being choked no matter what I am wearing I like to feel comfortable. My braces already make me feel uncomfortable (they are awesome but I feel constricted in them) so I think that's one of the main reasons I look for comfort when it comes to fashion.

So, I decided to go for it and find myself an open bottom girdle. After seeing an episode of Call the Midwife and seeing a character wearing one with a side zipper, I knew that I had to have one. I figured a side zipper would be so much more easier for my hands than pulling up the Spanx. And that's another thing I look for when it comes to vintage, I look for pieces that won't strain my hands-ie. odd buttons/zippers, tight pieces, etc.

I am happy today to bring to you a review on Rago's Open Bottom Girdle 1294. I purchased it from Secret's and Lace and it was shipped promptly and packaged well.

Now before you look at the photos-take note that my biggest weak spot is my post-babies tummy. I will not lie, I have a pouch but I am working hard at learning to accept it.

I wore a simple but pretty 1950's cotton dress and I picked this one especially because the cut of the dress sort of accentuates the mid area. See for yourself. You be the judge if Rago would be right for you!
This is what I wore underneath my dress for the first photos. Maidenform bra and tummy support. They don't have this one online but they may in the shop-love it-so comfy especial under pants/jeans.

These set of photos were taken wearing my Rago girdle and my 1960's bullet bra. The bra is sooo comfortable because it has no wires-just what my girls need! hehe  I also had to show you the accessories I have for this outfit too hehe

I found both to be extremely comfortable but for the dress I say 100% for the Rago. I loved how much tummy support it gave me. I think there is a difference. What I loved about it also is that it felt so comfortable and it was easy to put on. It was a little tricky to get the zipper up for me, only because my hands weak. It was easy to go up and down the stairs as well. I haven't worn it with the stockings just yet but I have a feeling I will love it even more. I mean if anyone needs to feel a little sexy under their dress it is me! My braces defiantly do not add to the feeling of sexiness hehe

All in all to show off your best curves I highly recommend the Rago Open Bottom Girdle. I purchased mine high wasted but you can also get one that is lower.

Have you tried Rago? What do you love/dislike about them?

My Outfit
Dress: 1950's Cotton from LikewiseVintage
Earrings: Purchased from a thrift shop
Moonglow Bracelets: Purchased from Etsy
Handbag: Purchased in MO
Lipstick: MAC Vegas Volt

Thursday, July 25, 2013

How Vintage Has Changed My Life

July 12th marked my second year being a part of the blogging and vintage worlds. So much has changed in my life because of these two fantastic hobbies and passions of mine. But before I share how vintage has changed my life, I want to thank my readers and supporters who have given me neverending friendship and guidance. Thank you!

When I began my journey I was a newly mother of three, slightly losing my marbles in the midst of hormones. I spent a great deal of time alone because my husband works two full time jobs and this combination just wasn't good for me. I needed something for me, something where I can still be creative and have an outlet for myself.
I dove into the wonderful world of vintage, pinup, and blogging head first. I didn't know what I was doing nor did I have the means or the time to dedicate to it but somehow I managed to find a way to pursue my passion.

This journey has not be an easy one. Although it has been fruitful, the road has been bumpy with quite a few potholes. Nevertheless, I am grateful it hasn't been easy because the joys have been so much more joyful. And I am proud of myself for sticking to what I love no matter the challenges I faced.

Vintage has truly changed my life. Here are some of the ways that it has:  
  • Formed connections and friendships with people that I would have never met otherwise
  • Broke me out of my shell and helped me feel good about showing my leg braces to the world
  • Kept me creative and feeding my brain with oodles of information
  • Taught me (and still teaching me) that pretty comes in all sizes, shapes, and ages
  • Explore fashion in a way I never thought I would be able to
  • Allows me to share my passion and myself in a special way to my family, especially my children
  • Showed me that I could do the impossible (ie a emagazine)
  • Gave (and still giving) me a special sense of confidence that wearing vintage can give a woman
  • Reminded me of many things my grandmother taught me of what it meant to be ladylike and expressing that through my wardrobe
  • Reviving my lifelong passion for writing
  • Getting published is not as hard I as I always thought it would be. You just have to keep at it til it happens!
  • I am trying new things that I never imagined I would-ie makeup, hairstyles, knitting, etc.
  • Showed me that I am one determined cookie!
  • Taught me that patience and hard work are keys to success 
  • Allowing me to show who I am on the inside through the way I dress up
It has changed my life and continues to do. I know it has changed many of your lives as well. How has it? 

So cheers to Bunny's Victory! Here is to many more years of blogging to come!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Little Moments Captured

The past few days I have been sharing with you all our little trip to Philadelphia just before July 4th. I have to say it was amazing to get away even if it was a few days and if you can go anywhere with your family, I say do it!

This trip marks our first official trip as a family of five. The last trip we made was when I was a few months pregnant with my third bunny so this trip was a big deal for us.

I shared with you our patriotic viewing of the Liberty Bell, hopefully  inspired you with the life and times of Betsy Ross, and had fun with my vintage wardrobe after being inspired by tulips this summer.

For the last bit of my trip I would like to share just bits and bobs starting on our first day to our last. Our first day we ate at the infamous Pat's: King of the Steaks and devoured our philly cheesesteak sandwiches in a matter of minutes...yum! Our final day we devoted it entirely to taking our children to the Please Touch Museum. Omg! This museum was amazing. Everything is interactive and had so many things to play with, my children were truly in heaven.

After we left we started our drive home and went to eat in New Jersey at Cracker Barrel. My husband has been wanting to go for ages because they don't have one in New York. My guy loves his food hehe

I hope you enjoy the photos. They were a joy to take. I think Gidget faired well on her first trip and first few days of usage. I cannot wait to learn more on how to use her. So much fun! Okay, so I leave you to some visuals-enjoy!

Monday, July 15, 2013

My Vintage Wardrobe: Tulips in Summer

I have become enamored with Tulips. I think they are just so dainty, feminine, vibrant, and pretty. And when it comes to My Vintage Wardrobe, I felt inspired by the tulips I saw in the springtime and wanted to channel that vibrant and dainty feelings that I think tulips inspire.

For my last full night in Philedelphia, we decided to have dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe. My husband is a lover of rock music and we have both been to many hard rock's in various other cities and countries, so we figured-why not? 

We had already had a long and busy day so I needed to create my look in under twenty minutes. Twenties minutes? Impossible right? I thought it would be but I simplified my look in a few ways. And at the end, I loved the look. I felt great and pretty and all that jazz plus I didn't exhaust myself with the usual preparation it takes when I dress up.
My hair is what usually takes the longest and that is because I am just not a pro at hairstyles-not yet anyway. So I washed the 60's right out of my hair and went for my trusty hair rats and snood!

I left my hair wet and rolled them up into victory rolls. Then I slipped on my snood and there you have it. Instant 1940's hairstyle. Just super easy peasy!
I enjoying matching when I dress up or creating a theme with the look I am doing. Since my dress had a red tulip print all over I decided to match it up with a pair of tulips shaped earrings and a tulip brooch.
Since I spent most of the day in my 60's photo shoot makeup and hair, I really didn't feel up to putting on more heavy makeup. What I did was put on moisturizer, primer, clinque powder, and my trusty MAC Russian Red lipstick. Super simple and yet still going with the vintage look. I actually surprised myself with how at ease I was in applying everything. I think being tired helped me not overly stress my look or how to achieve my look. 

Here is a closer look of the tulip print. The dress is 1950's and although my hair and makeup is 1940's-it is very possible to change things up with decades. I really do think the most important part of a vintage look is the hair and makeup. It sets the whole tone and foundation for your look.
The last part of my look was my handbag that was purchased at an Antique Mall in MO from my last trip in April. I love that the beads are clear because you can wear it with anything and it will match and look good with most any outfit.

We had a wonderful time at dinner and our eldest son actually fell asleep while waiting for his food, poor baby. They were all such great sports to let mama and daddy eat out hehe

I hope you enjoyed this look of tulips in summer. Simple and easy and very doable.

Do you like tulips as much as I do? If so, what have you acquired for your vintage wardrobe with tulips as a theme?

My Outfit:
1950's Dress: Lola Mayy
Tulip Earrings: whoop
1950's Tulip Brooch: CHEAPFRLLS1
Red Snood: Purchased in MO
Clear Beaded Handbag: Purchased in MO

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Be Victorious: Betsy Ross-A Most Remarkable Woman

Yesterday I shared the early part of my jammed packed day in Philly and today I will like to share with you our visit to the Betsy Ross House. We didn't plan on going to this museum but I felt inspired to go for some reason and I am so glad we did!
Some interesting facts about Betsy Ross:

  • Born Elizabeth Griscom on January 1, 1752
  • She was the eighth of seventeen children!
  • She began her career as an upholsterer a little before 1773 (she was 18-20 yrs old) and worked until she was in her seventies
  • Was married three times-her first two husbands passed on but she had 34 years with her third husband
  • She lost two of her seven daughters in their infancy 
  • She spent her last years blind and living with one of her daughters, Jane
  • Passed away on January 30, 1936 at the ripe old age of eighty-four!

It is said that Betsy was given a drawing by George Washington of what he wanted the American flag to look like and that she was the one to add the stars and put them in a circular shape (which is the way the flag looked like in the early years). Either way, I wouldn't be surprised if she did help design the American flag. There is no official paperwork stating that she did though. Not really surprised. For a women to be so highly trained in a craft like upholstery was rare indeed, let alone help make a flag that defined a new nation.
A little glimpse inside the museum. It it hearsay that she lived in this actual house. Even if she really didn't I am sure she lived in a house that was similar. Each room was cozy yet simple and functional. But what really surprised me was how narrow the staircase was and how short the stairs were. I cannot imagine going up and down stairs like that with a corset and layers of dresses and a lit candle to boot! Eeeek!
Betsy's resting peace as well of that of her third husband. She lived an incredibly full life in a time where people did not normally age well into their eighties. She ran a successful upholstery business until she could not longer work due to old age and blindness.

She also endured great strife in her life,  losing three husbands and two children She also lost her mother, father, and sister-within days of each other during the Yellow Fever Epidemic of 1793.
I left this museum feeling very proud that such a courageous woman such as Betsy Ross, helped create one of the most important and valuable symbols of freedom that the world has ever seen. I also admire that she chose to marry the men she did out of love, not convenience or arrangement.

Betsy Ross was a woman ahead of her time. She lived life the way she wanted to live it and worked hard at the things she loved-her craft, her business, her spouses, and her children.

She was a women that lived her life victoriously!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Let Freedom Ring: Visiting The Liberty Bell 1960's Style

Last week my family and I drove to Philadelphia, PA for a mini family trip. This trip marks the first time we have traveled and stayed in a hotel as a family of five. We were there for just three days but we filled them up and enjoyed every moment.

Let me start with getting there. It is supposed to be a two hour drive but it turned into a six hour drive due to the rain and bummer to bummer traffic (gah!). I can say though that thank goodness we had a dvd player for the car ride and also that our babies were huge sports through it all. We didn't do much the first day besides relax. It was so joyful to see the kids go bonkers at the hotel. I think if I told them that staying at the hotel was the vacation they would have been pleased as punch, truly.

Our second day was massively jammed packed with activities, so much so that I split it into three posts. For the first part of our day, my hubby (with our children) drove me to see Celeste Giuliano for a extra special photo shoot. I had the pleasure of working with Celeste when I first began my vintage journey. You can see the photos here.

I should be getting my photos soon and I cannot wait to share them with you all. I did this shoot because of something I love dearly and find joy in and I needed to capture it. When you see the photos, you will know why. I can give you this one else has ever done this theme in a pinup photo shoot...ever! Yikes! Lots of pressure...nah! It was so much fun to see Celeste and work with her Muah (Raina Clarke). The shoot was so creative and oodles of fun. I couldn't ask for a better morning spent with two such lovely women.
Since I already has some fabulous 1960's hair and makeup done, I decided to work it into the rest of my day. And boy did I! I paired up my look with this wonderful 1950's dress that I scored on Ebay. I just love the buttons, don't you?

Even my babies joined in the fun and all decided to pose and ham it up for the camera! hehe You should have seen them when they saw me dressed up with full 60's hair and makeup. They were so happy and they kept telling me how beautiful I looked. Oh my-I am blessed.

It was a HOT and I mean HOT day in Philly and even though I was practically melting away we decided to treat the kiddies to some old fashioned ice cream. And I truly mean old fashioned! Bassett's has been around since 1861 and is a fifth-generation family owned business. How neat is that!

The ice cream was creamy and delicious! From there, while the babies ate their ice cream (we had our double stroller with us) we walked over to see if we could see the Liberty Bell and other historical sites. And we did!
We found out that to view the Liberty Bell was free, which was neat to find out. The line moved rather swiftly also. What I liked about going inside (aside from the air conditioner) was that they had various exhibits of how the Liberty Bell inspired others to pursue freedom and equality. They had a section on slavery as well as a section on women, which you can see in the photo below.

It was such a moving exhibit and to see it in person was marvelous. Being that close to American History was just so neat. If you click on the link I attached above about the Liberty Bell you can find out how it cracked. It an interesting story. After we left we passed by the Independence Hall where the Declaration of Independence and United States Constitution were debated and adopted.

We loved every minute being in Philly and decided we will defiantly return again. Its just like a small quaint city and to have so much history around you is just so lovely. Its one of the reasons why I adore Europe so much-the history. Being at these sites reminded me again how young our country really is and also how precious our history is. That all American should really know its  history and feel proud of it.

After we left the Liberty Bell, we walked over to visit the Betsy Ross House. Stay tuned tomorrow for a post about one heck of an inspirational woman!

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