Monday, September 10, 2012

Bunny's Vision Board!

This Saturday while my second child was napping, my third child was playing, and my first child was painting, I decided to grab opportunity by the horns and work on my Vision Board. I have been wanting to do this for so many years that I just felt so ready and so inspired and so focused-I am happy to say that it is completed and hanging in my kitchen!

I am happy to share with all of you what has been included in my Vision Board and I hope you all like it. I especially hope that you all feel inspired enough to go out and make one for yourself.

The first thing I did was collect a group of pictures that representing the things that I want or long for. My husband did an amazing thing for me and had those photos printed out for me so I was super thrilled when he came home and handed me a pack of photos! I thought they were going to be on regular paper but instead were printed out on photo paper. I highly recommend that especially if you are a very visual person like I am.

I then took my photos and placed them on nice card stock-I figured why not use my scrap booking skills??! I used my paper cutter and my adhesive-you can use any kind though. 

The next step was to place out all the cut out photo on the poster board to see exactly where you would like to past them. I believe its important to sort out your Vision Board in a way that would be appealing to you. It is all about you, so make it the way that makes you happiest!

I found all my photos online and I also placed the one that says "success" strategically in the middle because I want to be successful at everything I put down. I also added hand cut arrows and placed them in all different angles because as well all know the road to success is all wibbely wobbely and not straight and to the point. I wanted that to be represented as well.

I placed my photos into five different groups; 1940's, travel, film, modeling, and writing. I left room for words as well. 

Here is a closer look at my five different sections:


I choose the photo of the hairstyles book because I want to master 1940's hairstyles on my hair. its a big challenge for me but one I look forward to accomplishing. I also added a photo of a beautiful 1940's girl because I want to to really embrace the look and feel of a 1940's person. I then added a photo of some dresses I would love to have from Etsy because my goal is to have a fabulous 1940's wardrobe-it doesn't have to be a big one but fabulous it does have to be hehe And lastly, the WWII Weekend at Reading, PA is an special event that I long to attend!


I have been blessed to have traveled a bit before and after marriage but I really cannot wait to take all three of my children to Disney World as my husband and I are huge Disney fans and it really is the happiest place on Earth. My second travel goal is to go to Europe, again with my family, to visit  one of my best friends and our Godchildren. Our goal is to see some more of England (where they live) and visit Scotland, Ireland, and Wales and maybe just maybe the beaches of Normandy-one of the places where my grandfather fought during WWII. The other photo is of Twinwood Festival-really now-every vintage gal is dying to go and so am I!!! Ahhh  how amazing would that be!


Another one of my huge vintage goals is to attend the TCM Film Festival. The first year it came out I was pregnant with my second child and every since then I have been drooling over it ever since. I especially want to go because I know so many of these stars from yesteryear are passing away. I included a photo of a classic film because another one of my goals is to know films from 1930 to 1969. I also want to study silent films but that is a whole other ball game hehe I eventually would like to be a film historian-I have already researched it and it is hard to figure out how one becomes one but I will do it. I LOVE Robert Obsorne-I LOVE that man and would love to meet him. I would also be honored to meet Mrs. Lauren Bacall since she lives in Manhattan! 


I included five photos under the section of modeling. The last one is of Rita Hayworth which you can see under the films category. I placed a photo of myself next to Fleur De Guerre from Diary of a Vintage Girl not because I want to be like her but because I admire how she knows hows to model and how she knows how to move her body for the camera. Something I really want to master especially with my braces on. I also want to accept my post-babies body exactly how it is-not longing for the past body or the future body but the way it is. I included photos above that express my desire to do more artistic but still vintage photo shoots in the future.


I included three photos under writing-I hope to be published one day, not  just in a vintage magazine but also have my book in Barnes 'n Noble.  Its a lifelong ambition of mine. I want my blog to be truly successful and to become a better writer in the process.

The last three things I did to my Vision Board was to tape some ribbon at the back so I can hang it. I also hand wrote words and such to make my board even more personal and specific. I choose to hand write it because I wanted it to represent my future writing successes and like I said, make it more Bunny and not so mechanical. Although there is nothing wrong with cutting out words and phrases as well. 

I then hung it in my kitchen and here it is!

Ta-Da! My masterpiece hehehe I am really pleased with the results and if you plan to make one I hope you share yours as well.

So here is to visualizing, working hard, and learning to accept success into my life aside from being a good wife and mother. Thank you all for you incredible amount of support and encouragement. I will never forget the kindness that you all have given too me!

Much hugs, Bunny xox


  1. This looks fantastic! Doesn't it feel so good to have all of your dreams right in front of you! I have found when I put a dream or goal out into the universe, the universe often responds.

    Thanks doll,
    The Glamorous Housewife

    1. Thats the plan mama! Putting out there...all of it...holding nothing back! Thank you so much! xox

  2. I love the idea of a vision board. I think I'll work on one myself. Thanks for the great idea!

    1. So glad you like mine and even happier that you will do one-thats why I shared bc I wanted to inspire people to do the same-set goals and make them happen! Good luck!! xox

  3. I like the idea that you put written words to your vision board. It makes it all that more personal. I hope all your "visions" come true:))

    1. Oh thank you hun!! I agree-thats why I did it :) xox

  4. Looks fabulous Bunny! And I do believe in putting ideas out there and seeing what happens for you. One thing I started to do a couple of years ago is to say Yes and have a go at things I never thought I would do or could do. Its got me where I am right now and I couldn't be happier with my life. Wishing the same for you *hugs!*

  5. I love it!! Thats such a great idea to keep motivated and inspired. Sometimes it helps to have all of your dreams and to-dos right in front of you! I need to make one too!!

    1. Thank you hun! Yes! Do make one-it makes such a difference and helps to keep focused on what you want out life! xox

  6. Beautiful work, dear Bunny! Not only is this an amazing way to keep your dreams and goals at the forefront of your mind, but it also makes for a thoroughly lovely piece of wall art.

    I hope with all my heart that every goal you have comes true.

    ♥ Jessica

    1. That means so much to me Jess-thank you so much!! xox
