Friday, May 18, 2012

Suitcase full of treasures

Almost five years my father promised that he would find my baby suitcase and give it to me. Well, my dad just like most men needed a few years of reminding and prodding and finally this past week my dad brought it to my home!!

The suitcase is filled to the brim with baby clothes and goodies that I cannot believe I wore! 

My jaw dropped with I saw this outfit! Can we say future pinup! 
Its screaming 1940's...ahhh I love it! It also has a plastic lining 
where the diaper would be-so neat!

These are typical spanish cotton tops that most latinos would put 
on their babies. Even the tags are in spanish-love it!

My baby piggy bank that I think is filled with crayons 
somehow and my baby sippy cup. Inside the suitcase 
was also my first utensils.

Where I laid my curly haired baby head. 
Felt so comfy...I need one in adult size now!!! Hehehe

The best part of all is this is knowing my mother took the time to save and pack away all of these items that her baby girl wore. To know that she thought carefully of which pieces to save-even the ones with food stains on them. Also, what really hit me was how much my mother and I are similar.

I, too have bins for my children's memory clothes. Each baby has a bin of clothes that they wore as a newborn and outfits that mean something to me. Each baby has a memory book that I have added photos to and written down information-just like my mother did for us. Each baby also has scrapbooks but ekkkk I am sooo behind on those--bad mama! I need to get back on track with them asap!

But I like knowing we have something like that in common. I also like knowing that how my parents felt about me, I feel about my children. The freaky part is, is that I was their baby...just like mine are my babies. But now I am all grown up. Or am I? Perhaps I will always be that little black haired baby girl they cradled and kissed and loved. Makes me feel incredibly blessed to have been wanted and loved that way. It only reminds me to keep doing that for my children and also to find ways to become an advocate for those children who aren't wanted, because every child deserves a suitcase full of devotion, adoration, and unconditional love.



  1. What a heartwarmingly precious treasure trove of your own history to receive. Thank you for sharing these super early Bunny fashions and other pieces with us, dearest gal.

    Wishing you a gorgeous, relaxing weekend,
    ♥ Jessica

  2. That little sailor outfit is way too precious and cute! My mom made most of my baby clothes. She just recently sent me a baby dress and jacket I wore. It's amazing to realize we were once that tiny.

  3. I so agree....its amazing we were so small!! hehehe Thanks girls!! xox
