Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Pinup Practice makes Pinup Fabulous!

Being a ham while in Pinup Practice heheh

Pinup Practice-what a fun idea or so I thought! My day started out in madness (that's what I get for trying to squeeze in one more hour of sleep!) with the beds to fix, diapers to change, and everyone needing something all at the same time. And there is nothing worse than hearing a baby screaming because they are hungry so I was making mad dashes all around the house and at the same time trying to groom myself because well mama has to go potty too ya know?!

Things became a little more calm when my friend came over. Thankfully the children adore her and well she is really a part of my little family. The second wave of madness came when naps were needed, bottles were being warmed, and my little bunny was being well my bunny.

By the time I finally got the chance to put in my hot rollers it started raining outside-but of course it did! But we decided to work my vintage romper instead of my retro red bathing suit and just shoot indoors. In the middle of my doing my make-up my papito started screaming again---hungry little boy I have! So I ran downstairs with my make-up half-way down and to my surprise my bunny said to me, "mama! oh my goodness! you're gorgeous!" Wow-I sure don't hear that everyday! What a nice thing to say to mama too. I love her-shes so expressive and just well my girl!

I then fixed the baby's bottle and cereal and while my friend (aka titi-which means aunt in spanish) fed him I then ran right back upstairs to finish my masterpiece.

So you know now that I am NOT good with my hair well I am just as NOT good with make-up. Most likely because I don't wear any on a regular basis. LOL

Of course I call on  my friend to the rescue. Her first time doing cat eyes or putting on lashes so be kind when you look at the picture *wink*

Hey not so bad for a first time doing pinup make-up huh?

Finally by 6pm I was prepped and ready to go! Yes you read right once again---6pm! Sheesh but you know what I did it! It got done and it was fun! Even my daughter was hamming it for the camera. I think I have a future pinup in the making---well not for at least twenty years or so!!

Cool angle don't you think? And yes that is a toy in the background haha!

I loved being able to wear my great aunt's choker that she gave me from the 1960's. I don't have a lot of jewelry but I treasure what I do have and I thought it would go perfect with my romper and it did!

Looking out my kitchen window on this beautiful rainy day!!

No worries--I didn't fall down the stairs.
I am just working the pretty while on the stairs hehe

All in all and especially thanks to my friend, who has been my number two supporter in all this (hubby being number one of course!), and who is learning how to do make-up while helping me learn how to do pinup---I mean how grand is that?! Beyond super grand! What a blessing for sure! Thank you friend! xox

Below I attached a fantastic and I mean fantastic video on how to do pinup facial expressions and also pinup poses. Its really easy to follow and a great way to put in time with your Pinup Practice! Practice makes Pinup Fabulous!


  1. Sexy Mama!!! You go girl!!! :) XOX

  2. Thanks you sweetie!!! I tried to work the goodies heeheee xox

  3. How fun! I am glad you have a friend to take photos. That is how we all begin! And bootys are a good thing!! I've got one myself!

  4. OMG it was mission impossible to do with the kids but it was fun and I learned a lot too. Look fwd to practicing more!! Hehehe Booties are good :) Thank you for your sweet comment! xox


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