Tuesday, March 6, 2012

My Vintage Wardrobe: Vintage Colors

Vintage Color Chart

Unlike most of the vintage bloggers out there I am truly a beginner in every way, other than I feel as though I am been enamored with the past for most of my life. I have no vintage wardrobe as of yet but it has been a long and sometimes tedious process. Like everyone else, when I want something-especially something I really am passionate about, I want it NOW!

But I find my lifestyle has taught me to be patient. I don't have my own income and the household/children's responsibilities come first. But although I have been on my journey now for nine months it has taught me a great deal about what I want and don't want. I find it so important to know the difference because I could easily want to buy everything and just collect it. I have done it before with other things like my scrapbook/craft supplies, kids items, etc.

Color Inspiration: Coral and Peridot

Because I have such a tight budget to work with and limited space in my bedroom (I am anti-clutter) I feel that what I do wear as my vintage wardrobe should be specifically chosen items. And I would love it if my items can be interchanged and worked with other colors.

I do love dresses but in a way I am grateful that I bound to my trousers because I can focus on a few main pieces instead of the array of dresses and skirts can offer.

My TO GET list is:

Blouses (long and short sleeve)
Jewelry: Brooches, Earrings, Necklaces, Bracelets
Miscellaneous items

That's pretty much it! But it can feel overwhelming when you try to figure out what colors look best on you and what color combination you should put together.

I emailed my friend Brittany (Va-Voom Vintage) that I was majorly confused by all these color combos and it started to feel overwhelming to me. So she sent me these two fabulous posts she made on her blog that really broke it down for me and helped me to refocus.

A Rainbow of Fashion: How to use the color wheel 
1940's Beauty: The best colors for your type

I was also inspired by these following blog posts as well:

Lil Vintage Me: Beginners Guide: Vintage Color (this post literally inspired me to put a lot more color into my wardrobe and no matter how extreme it can be that I will just go for it!)

Tuppence Ha'penny: Colour Theory Week: Introduction to Colour (this is a more in depth look at the color wheel and what colors would go best with each other)

Color Inspiration: Mustard, Brown, Dark Aqua, and Burnt Orange

Starting in July when I start my second year blogging I plan to put together and model for you an outfit for every month-every season focusing on using trousers. I have already written down the colors that I would like to use for every month and in doing so figured out (with Brittany's help of course!!! xox) what are my primary and secondary colors. I know I will learn more about colors and coordinating on my visit to Brittany's but learning all this now also saves me the confusion that could happen to me while shopping in St. Charles and St. Louis. I don't want to go into a store and feel like I can't make a decision or I don't know what I am looking for. So I made a list of what I need and the colors that I am looking for. For each season I chose six colors so that gives me room to not only mix it up but also be open to another color in case I don't find what I am looking for.

My Primary Colors: Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, and White
My Secondary Colors: Turquoise (Aqua), Brown, Grey, Maroon, Cream, Orange, Mustard, and Pink

This was figured out when I wrote down all the colors I wanted and then Brittany simply took notice of the ones that are repeated the most and those were my primary. My secondary are the ones not as frequent. Thank goodness for her because she breaks things down for me in a way that I can really just get it. Ya know?

Color Inspiration: Red, Orange, White, Aqua, and Turquoise

Last but not least--I have found by just looking at photos, color charts, or even swatches of paint are helping me visualize the colors of an outfit that I would like to have. One site that has been a great help is called Colour Lovers. Another thing I am doing is researched and add to my Etsy Favorites list all the colors I like and items just to again give me a visual of what I am looking for and what I would love to have. Its actually helping me make some color combinations like, Mustard and Brown, Coral and Peridot, and Grey and Red.

I cannot wait to be able to have my own vintage wardrobe! This is terribly exciting for me and well worth the wait!



  1. If you want a really versatile wardrobe, stitch to separates. So many more options than dresses, no matter how pretty! I really need more trousers because they are just so much more practical for me than skirts/dresses.

  2. Oh neat! Thanks Stephanie!! I cannot wait to get all of this together! Its been such a process but doing it at my pace has been a great learning opportunity esp in patience hehehe I hope to be able to put together outfits that are versatile esp with trousers bc many others just stick to dresses. It will be nice to see other options. Thank you again!! xox

  3. Great post Bunny!! I still struggle with my wardrobe, i've always been a capsule wardrobe kinda gal and its hard not to apply that thinking to my new vintage wardrobe! I'm after a wrap now but my brain is trying to think what one colour would go with all my outfits , rather than making / buying 2!! I definitely have a more colourful wardrobe but think i still need more secondaries to pull it all together for my previntage brain!!!
    Hope that makes sense!!
    Maxine xx

  4. That makes perfect sense to me Maxine! I have been stuck with blacks and greys and I promised myself to seek more color not only for my vintage wardrobe but also for my everyday casual clothes. It is a struggle but I think the more practice we have the better we will get at it :) I'm so glad you enjoyed the post-that means a lot to me! xox


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